Reviews for Cube

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    • EshmawyMan

      Posted this review


      So nice as your first map

      Firstly, level one got no door to close safe room which made me skip it and start from level 2 which was passed, just like the rest of campaign, on SP Expert Mode from first time. Yes, i encountered like 2 tanks and 2 witches and i killed them all while witch killed one stupid Bot and one tank got stuck till death. Passed it on 10% HP with 2 almost dead bots and one dead Bot from first time which was so great for me. As for level 3, i did love your design there and i always love to see cities or urban environments in game rather than any other type of environment. But Bots got so lame navigation in certain spots plus you limited certain weapons and there was no ammo available at all. I don't care about Witches as they are so easy task for me, but tanks needed more Molotov and some real players to shoot them from so far away with big guns and throw with me those Molotovs and one mistake from Bots = other Bots will go to help then die by tank and no one single spawning room? By starting level 3, the Bot i killed before we enter safe room was still dead and i had to get him from the only spawning room after red brick blocks and killing the witch. We literally have to fight a total of 4 tanks waiting for us and so limited ammo and i also need that shotgun to take witches out with so if i am out of ammo i can't get any ****** shotgun from anywhere and i should clear the way for Bots because if they die no more spawning for them and i will stay alone. Coach will get stuck in that lame spot beside those cars you can't get through while zombies can. Again, i loved how the city looked like but they were coming from everywhere like it's all opened from everywhere. The only ammo bile was there after you literally take all tanks out and kill them all. Another navigation ****  for bots was those bushes after cornfield if we were to circle tank they would get incapacitated by the ***** tank rocks so i kept moving back with Bots every time i encounter a tank to move all the way back to the spot before cornfield to make sure they are not incapacitated. It was really annoying and i restarted it like 14 times until i managed to get to radio that was left in the room while ammo bile and bile bombs were in two different rooms and med kits were separated only 3 kits in 3 different places..Why?! That campaign, Especially level 3, badly needs real players company not Bots because of such errors i was about to give 2 stars out of 5, but when i realized that the last panic event of radio only included zombies attack without tanks i raised it to 3/5 as i stood there was ready to make it on Easy from Expert just in case tanks come and just pass it because it really annoyed me repeating it over and over again with Bots fighting with so so limited ammo and one Shotgun. 1 bullet in grenade launcher?! WTF Why? I stood with Bots downstairs shooting all zombies coming from outside along with special infected and it was really piece of cake for us as we could even reload ammo from that room and move back to our spot downstairs with no worries  as time allowed that and i was really afraid that tank would show up anytime and coach HP was 1 but he survived till the end as we waited till it said Rescue has arrived! and we found a super clear way to climb that building and get on the helicopter killing that waiting hunter and running from Boomer. BTW, thought that we would run to the rescue vehicle because i thought that spot with SOS sign would be our last spot to head to after we start the panic event as we are running in a cube just like in level 2 when you find that a certain spot you see over there will be a further spot to reach in a while. Just in case one day you want to make more campaigns fix Bots navigation and just make ammo bile for similar levels with many tanks to fight and also witches... Good Job.
    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      This campaign is probably near impossible on expert difficult, simply due to the amount of witches and tanks on every chapter. It might also be confusing to some, especially on chapter 1 where you have to open a metal grate and kill a tank, which may punch you instantly when you open it, one tank suicides straight away as soon as it starts and goes into a T-Pose for some reason. Bots are pretty much worthless for the most part as they for some reason have nav that goes up the stairs on chapter 1 straight into the fire and death. Mostly copy/paste on chapter 1 as well, but an interesting idea. I can't remember the other chapters very well as I haven't played this in a while as I'm writing this from memory and wrote a review on the workshop which wasn't completely accurate, i'll give you that, went a bit too soft. The other chapters were for the most part, pretty much fine and functional and had some nice design. But as I said, this is pretty much impossible on say expert, even advanced I'd recon, so this wasn't made with those difficulties in mind. Also, a long ass finale which gets repetitive, just stick to two tanks and two horde and leave it at that if you're doing a holdout finale. Overall, not terrible, but mediocre I'd say, but not bad for a 1st attempt, just don't have as many tanks or witches. I was thinking of being generous and giving 3 stars, but considering the sheer amount of tanks and witches, I have to cut it short unfortunately. Overall, other than chapter 1, the other chapters weren't so bad from what i remember. And final verdict would be to play this on normal or easy, anything higher will give you a headache.
    • Ratman_84

      Posted this review



      Ok. Where do I begin?
      Level 1 I guess. Every time something related to the Cube movies gets released for this game or any game I get excited because I love the movies. However, the concept never really translates well into a game. You make your way from cube to cube trying to find your way out of the maze and typically you get killed instantly by traps and have to restart. There are no traps in this one. That's fine. Just getting through the maze while killing zombies is enough. But the massive hordes and PLETHORA of tanks/witches make this painful. I had to dumb it down to Normal and sprint, leaving my bots as bait, just to make it through this level.
      Level 2. Back to the tanks/witches. There were so many I had to dumb the game down to Easy. When I got to the part where I had to crawl through the vent, my bots all teleported back to the safe room. There they remained for the duration of this somewhat long level. So I ended up completing 4/5ths of the level by myself, somehow never getting killed by the many special infected, witches, and tanks. Then I had to use the console to kick the bots to end the level and add them back in on the next map.
      Level 3. Pretty straight forward until the cornfield with a PLETHORA of witches. If I wasn't playing on Easy there would be no way to get through this. Then I get to the finale area. Before finding and hitting the radio there is apparently a short timer on tank spawns. They just kept spawning until I hit the radio. Then, after hitting the radio, there were no more tanks, just a loooong horde with no way of knowing if things were bugged out or if I was getting closer to the escape vehicle arriving. It finally arrive. Then, last but not least, the stats during the credits didn't work.
      I want to give props for creating something, as mapping isn't easy and requires a lot of time/patience. But at the same time this site has a ratings function so people can determine if they want to spend time playing something or not. With the bugs and the 20+ tanks and 30+ witches in a 3 map campaign, I'd have to say unless you're just really curious, avoid this.

End of results.