Reviews for Glecas Left 4 Dead 2 High FPS AutoExec config i...

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    • Jo0ey

      Posted this review



      This was the best scrip mod in l4d2 history. i was using this like 3-4 years. i wish u could update it. maybe u dont play the game anymore (same here but i get back to it now) but if you update this mod you will make people like me very very happy. also quick question, when my BHOP is on sometimes game crashes from various servers, what can cause that problem? any idea?
      btw im still waiting the update! :)
      • Thank you so much! I have heard from different people over the years that said they were enjoying this script above all else. It makes me happy to hear :)
        I stopped playing the game, and thus stopped updating it. Although I did play a game for fun 2 months ago, and many functions was actually still working.
        Didn't test ALL the features, but a lot of it was still working.
        I am currently modding other games atm, and if I ever get the time or urge to come back to L4D - I will ofc have a look at updating this baby! :)
    • Nicolas_King

      Posted this review



      -Higher performance.
      -Long arms.
      -16.7 lerp is optimal for my old system,even on realism expert.
      -Logo auto-spam.
      -No more frustrating blood screens.
      -Working with a lot of mods.(Even with my own vocalizer.)
      -Now I think this game might be for 6+(No more blood & ragdolls)
      -Usefull chat lines(Can you tell how to bind my own?))
      -simple & effective hud & matchscores menu.


      -Long installation(But it's not your fault)
      -some usefull props are becoming invisible & player must to remember their place.They are visible only on low ranges.(It's very bad when you fight tanks & after uninstallation this will be the same.[*HELP!*])
      -If installation isn't correct,player will recieve errors,will be not able to use scripts & ''No Steam Logon'' error might to crash the game.(Read-me-first! is ''helping hand'')


      Overwise,great mod for any gamemode.Only problem is hard & long installation & invisible props.But this problem isn't too bad.(Sorry for my English,I'm from ''MaveRland'' Russia:)P.S.:I bought L4D2 on Steam,but ''No Steam logon'' using this config can crash licensed L4D2 too.
    • ZombieKiller1172

      Posted this review



      -gives higher FPS!
      -smoother graphics
      -new functions
      -rapid pistol


      -not for inexperienced players


      I'm experienced at doing this stuff, but I didn't need the FPS boost [GTX 680] but the other features were great!
    • Qw***y

      Posted this review



      - Accomplishes a lot of good things for those who don't know how.
      - Well designed and easy to use.


      - Since so many things are modded, it's very likely to conflict with other mods, depending on what the user has installed.
      - Very hard to fully remove if one wishes to do so.


      It's a great collection of mods for the player who knows little or nothing of modding. If you know a fair bit about modding though, you'd be better off opening the mod and learning from it instead of applying it. In other words - not for everyone.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

End of results.