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You start out in a shipping dock and work your way deep into the fabled Safe Zone only to find Zombies have already breached the perimeter. One level has you traveling on a train while being attacked from all sides. Lots of Explosions and Eye Candy.
Ужасная карта, не предназначенная для игры с ботами. Если первую главу ещё худо-бедно пройти можно, то дальше начинается полная ерунда. Не знаю, зачем подобные недокарты вообще делают...
Features higher quality weapon models, various texture alterations and fixes, blended deploy and melee animations were missing, fixed shell attachments for the viewmodels, higher quality weapon panel icons and missing sounds restored for...
Alias to replace nicknames. There are 500 nicknames in the alias. Do you want to hide from trolls who harass you and see you through the game browser? Then this alias is for you. The nickname is changed to key 3. You can always change ...
A re-model of the deployed versions of ammo boxes pile.
This version adds more bullets lying around the box, as well as the grenade round for the grenade launcher and the bullet belt for M60, since those weapons can actually...
This is to fix the errors that appear in the map, which can provide players with a better gaming experience
The repair script requires...
Hello everyone,
After a long time we have an update, this update is based on the 2016 version and does not have anything to do with the DLC from Ash.
In the last months Dani and I have been working on these campaigns, Dani did all th...
- Incredible mod for the tank, the giant tank is a reality, all the credits corresponding to the creator of the mod.
- Increible mod para el tank, el tank gigante es una realidad, todos los creditos correspondientes al creador del mod
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