Blackout Basement (L4D1 Port)

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  • LoneGuardian

    Posted this review


    Dark, gritty, intense, fantastic campaign

    This was my first time playing this campaign, it is creepy and very cramped at times, feels like it was made by actual Left 4 Dead developers. The ONLY issue were the train models at the finale were invisible, you could only see the doors and windows.
    •	Very dark and intense at times, especially the first map
    •	The map levels were rather long, but not too long to feel like they were dragging on
    •	Barely any signs telling you where to go, therefore forcing exploration
    •	Some nice (and original, I think) graffiti in the saferooms
    •	At times ammo was sparse, they were placed just far apart enough to make you concerned at how low you were getting
    •	Very limited medkits, but enough pills around to make up for it
    •	The trains in the finale were invisible

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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Version 1.1 Final

Vaz2107 : Trending

119 Crossfire
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