Reviews for Die Trying

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    • trojan_exe

      Posted this review


      Пытайся не убить ботов

      Средненькая по текстурам кампания, которая легко проходится с ботами.
      + на первой главе прикольно падает свет от окон, и от фар машин;
      + на третьей карте есть холодильник, у которого открываются дверцы (такие мелочи очень радуют);
      + на пятой главе, на крыше, открывается потрясающая панорама города;
      + лёгкая концовка, даже боты выжили;
      + навигация ботов не плохая, за исключением пары мест (опишу в разделе МИНУСЫ);
      + всегда в достатке патронов, молотовых, пайп, таблеток и оружия.
      - текстуры в некоторых местах ниже среднего;
      - в самом начале есть спуск по наклонной доске, так вот, боты с неё падают вниз и получают много урона от падения, это сразу минус аптечки в начале;
      - на третьей главе на ивенте с дверью респается слишком много особых заражённых подряд;
      - на четвёртой главе анимация молний проходит прямо сквозь текстуры;
      - на четвёртой главе, на ивенте с трактором, у него не крутятся колёса, и он движется очень медленно, при этом волны нет;
      - в конце четвёртой главы, на ивенте перед самым убежищем, боты пытаются войти в него сквозь поднимающуюся решётку, и почему то получают от неё урон;
      - на пятой главе, перед самым ивентом спаунятся особые заражённые, не давая как следует изучить карту на предмет полезных вещей;
      - на финале боты постоянно залезают на лестницу (перед рацией), и спускаются с неё, и так постоянно, вместо того, чтобы убивать зомби, они водят хороводы на этой лестнице;
      - когда спасательный вертолёт отлетает от крыши, пропадают текстуры и становится всё чёрное.
      В общем, простенькая кампания, которую можно спокойно пробежать с ботами. Ничего особенного в плане ивентов или текстур на ней нет, но играть, в целом, приятно. Прошёл за 46 минут.

      Edited: 13 days ago

    • FreeCell

      Posted this review


      One Of Great L4D Campaigns

      No Mercy feel atmosphere and reality urban environments
      Pretty good map design/detail
      Perfect item/weapon setting
      No bugs/glitches
      Good bot's NAV/AI  
      Not enough ammo
      Not enough arrow
      Sometimes bots get stuck at some areas/objects
      Bots don't pick up medkits in safe room of map 4
      Finale event copied from No Mercy
    • AmpliDUDE

      Posted this review



      + Perfect map lenthgs.
      + Good amount of throwables.
      + Finale bot navigation worked pretty well.
      + Some original aspects and ideas.
      + Tank events were timed and placed well.
      + Huge outskirts and surroundings.
      + L4D1 support.


      - Finale idea was partly copied from the No Mercy campaign.
      - Bot navigation was terrible, they were never around me.
      - Weels of the tractor that was meant to break the wall didn't rotate.
      - Not enough arrows.
      - Not enough ammo piles, especially in map 2 and 3.
      - Map 4: bots wanted to run into the saferoom though the door was closed.
      - Custom items were missing I guess.
      - Timewise bland gameplay.
      - Finale skybox problems while chopper was taking off.


      I guess this needs more work, but summarizingly I think it's not bad at all. I have to admit, that the bot navigation was a pain in the ass. I always had to wait til they followed me, or that they teleportet themselves to me. There were also not enough arrows and ammo piles. I have to say, that we actually were able to navigate us the the saferooms, but it took some time. We ran out of ammo plenty of times, and this truely can be avioded. But all in all a good campaign!
    • 13tisa13

      Posted this review



       - It's all made from l4d stuff so really small download for a huge map!
      - It's a HUGE map
      - Love the atmosfere of l4d1 in it


      - no arrows to point the way
      - too many places to hide in the finale
      (make breakable walls in some of the rooms)


      I really love what you're doing with the map...
      It must have took you forever to build everything.
      And even tho a lot of the stuff is from other maps I think it's pretty cool playing it in the way you organized it...
      The only thing I don't like is the arrows,there are none....don't know which way to go...
      I really belive this will be a awesome map once you fix all the little details in it!
      I'm giving you 95 for all the work you put in it and for making it for l4d1,not just l4d2!
      I'm sure you'll make it even better in the future!Keep up the good work ;)
    • xMissyChrissyx

      Posted this review



      -Great Gameplay
      -Easy to explore without getting too lost
      -Hot tub :D


      -Bot navigation was horrible. My bots kept teleporting everywhere.
      -No directional arrows on any of the chapters, it took me 15 minutes to find the sewer opening.
      -Copy and pasted a lot of items and areas from the offical L4D campaigns.
      -Purple hue around a lot of buildings.
      -No teir 2 weapons in any of the later saferooms.
      -Weird arrangement of the got me confused.
      -In chapter 4, please don't have that horde event door on fire. The bots want to run to the saferoom, but the door is on fire while it's going up...2 of my bots killed themselves.
      -The tractor horde event is another one, no direction prompting you to hit the lever on the tractor (as well as Bill bot died because he was in front of was funny...but still needs fixing).
      -The maps are too short and a little boring.
      -Not a lot of custom things.
      -There were a lot of graphic glitches and things missing.
      -Special infected spawning was bad as well, I had a Tank spawn outside the emergency doors, and he couldn't get in, just a sittng duck...and I heard numerous specials die.


      There were a lot of problems I saw with this map, but it's worth a download if you like the regular Left 4 Dead campaigns with a twist.
      Fix some of the glitches, bot nav, add your own stuff, and I'll amend my rating.
    • DiorDiamonds

      Posted this review



      The maps get better and better
      Each chapter was nicely spaced, not easy to get lost.


      Bot navigation, but lots of maps have that problem.
      A few parts seemed to be copy and pastes of some original maps, but it's not that much of a deal.


      A good job. Would be rather fun on expert :)
    • petty67

      Posted this review



      nice camp. fix the grass,has no rain bots are on to many pills


      few bugs other than that it was fun


      great job
    • hassenpheffer

      Posted this review



      Well paced.
      Fair amount of hordes.
      Plenty of special infected.
      Nicely rendered.
      Maps improve (3 and 4) from boring 1st two.
      Fair amount of ammo and weapons.


      No directional arrows.
      Bad bot nav.
      Not enough pills.
      No dialogue.
      Too many red herring areas (open spaces that go nowhere).
      Last map is too short.
      Finale is too  easy.


      A good campaign that suffers from lack of originality and decor.  It's not very exciting or scary.  Most of the maps remind me too much of Valve maps.  It seems like just "run n gun" till the end.
      CC:  Add more authentic decor like graffiti, automobiles with different characteristics, more corpses, dialogue, etc.  There's only one puzzle element (tractor) and these maps could use more.  Definitely needs arrows - gets confusing sometimes) and the open spaces don't help either.
    • firebird2009

      Posted this review



      maps get better as you go
      the setting are good 


      could use some arrows as to where to go
      bot nav


      so far so good ... some work still need to be done
    • gibzilla

      Posted this review



      map gets better further you go
      no arrows = more adventure


      bot navs


      maps are sort of fun to play. kind of cliche but oh well it's free and we take all we can get.
      works in both l4d and l4d2

End of results.