Reviews for The Arena of the Dead

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    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      Yep, played this campaign plenty of times before on L4D2, pretty much the same here, very solid campaign. It's a typical urban map using more or less only No Mercy assets, so it's very familiar. You know exactly what to expect with this one.
    • trojan_exe

      Posted this review


      Приходите на матч, будет весело

      Интересная кампания, состоящая из четырёх глав.
      + прикольные погодные эффекты, понравились молнии на первой главе;
      + множество мелочей: вентиляторы крутятся, огнетушители имеют анимацию при повреждении, стёкла бьются;
      + много мелких разрушаемых предметов;
      + прикольные ивенты;
      + нелинейность карт: есть различные пути и разветвления маршрутов;
      + молотовы, пайпы и таблетки встречаются не очень часто, но и не очень редко, в этом хороший баланс.
      - на первой главе нет комнаток с респами, танк убил бота, и он так и не появился до конца главы;
      - долго нет Т2 оружия (впервые появляется лишь на третьей главе, и то в единичных экземплярах);
      - на третьей главе один из ботов насмерть разбился, спрыгнув с крыши;
      - на четвёртой главе (она же финал) не встречаются таблетки и мало молотовых и пайп;
      - боты ОЧЕНЬ СИЛЬНО тупят в концовке.
      Хорошая кампания, с большим вниманием к деталям, но немного разочаровывающей концовкой (из-за тупых ботов и недостатка ништяков). Прошёл за 37 минут.
    • AmpliDUDE

      Posted this review



      ==== In general  ====
      + Short but not too short.
      + Finale rescue arena was great. 
      + Descend AI navigation.
      + Rooftop fighting was great.
      + Right amount of throwables.
      + Not too less other equipment.
      + Tanks in every map.
      + Various ways that lead to the safe spots.
      + Aiming at switches make survivors talk.


      ==== Map 1 ====
      - AI mates were not always following.
      - Mercy hospital in the background ruined the moment to show custom content.
      ==== Map 4 - Finale ====
      - Blocky areas everywhere.
      - Too many special infected on the roof at the chopper.
      ==== In general ====
      - Small and blocky areas in apartments.
      - In my opinion there was lack of own creativity.


      Nice campaign but the No Mercy setting in the background of map 1 was disturbing and somehow blocking the creativity and the custom contents. There's not much to say about it, but all in all I liked it.
    • **** Maverick

      Posted this review



      - Many ways to chose.
      - Cool Graphic but nothing special.
      - Final is nicely designed.


      - Short and easy maps.
      - Too easy to navigate, not enough exploration.
      - Poster.


      Pretty cool map, but very quickly done. Nothing special to say. I wont remember it, but it was a good entertainement. :)
    • Aeon Scale
      Aeon Scale

      Posted this review



      Good length of the map.
      Many ways to choose thats nice.
      The light and darkness are well placed.
      Limited Kit and Pills.
      Long way to get Tier 2 guns.
      Enough Witch.


      Bot kill themselves on the ledge of the elevator(they can't grip on it)
      Bot hurt themselves on the final map ladder or else grip asking for help.
      The horde spawn near the ladder, this make them easy to kill.(A bit too much easy)
      Not enough Tank during campaign.
      Starting in a safe room.
      Too many ammo spot.


      This campaign is nice there nothing really to say about its like playing No Mercy or else Dead Air to me but still it worth to play it i recommend it to everyone.
    • Andrija

      Posted this review



      Simple-yet there's freedom among that simplicity. (there are usually several ways to reach the target)
      Level design are quite good.
      Not too challenging even on expert difficulty.
      Only 35 MB in size. A humble size.


      Too short?
      AI problem at finale-keep getting up and down the laders.
      The beginning of the finale map is virtually the same as the fourth map. 


      I like this camopaign, it is not the one who boosts about how "hardcore" or how big the size of file it is. 
    • Alblaka

      Posted this review



      -A nice theme idea and authentic designed maps
      -Seeing the Mercy Hospital in background just looks great
      -The levelpart on the city roofs is quite nice


      -The loading screens doesn't look very L4D-ish
      -I'm used to NOT spawning in a saferoom on the first level of a campaign
      -A massive lack of explosives... I think i found 3 Molotovs at total, all in the same level. In combination with the rare T2 weapons tanks get to a serous problem.
      -Up to the last level i never found a 2nd pistol. Shouldn't be THAT rare, should it?
      -Also, on start of Level 4 the tank got spawned just when leaving the saferoom... To early!
      -There are (expspecially in the finale) many failed AI paths (surv-wise). In the finale they just kept jumping to death, ignoring ladders etc.
      -If you even use the exactly same radio convo as in No Mercy, pls also use the continuous radio call before activating it the first time.


      In total, the map-designs are nicely made and very authentic.
      But they clearly lack of weapons/explosives and the AI paths for surv-bots are just cruelly bad.
      I will give it a 68.
    • Gulpa

      Posted this review



      - good intro video
      - more than one path takes you to the next area
      - very playable
      - nice environment, a lot of walking on the rooftops going from one building to another
      - not too hard
      - not too long
      - good placement of weapons and med-packs


      - it would have been nice to have an intro speech about where you are and we you're heading
      - med-packs, pipe bombs and unlimited amo is definitely handy in the final stage, but I would prefer a more challenging finale and not just rely on continuous shooting with all possible weapons. 


      Overall, this is a very good campaign; nice and fun. Very well thought through and executed.
      Great work. Thanks for the effort!
    • sunsurfer

      Posted this review



      Entertaining city environments
      Fun finale at a semi-derelict football ground
      Very good pacing of hordes and special infected


      A glitch in the first map when I closed the doors in a shop and the doors would not open again.


      Apart from a tiny glitch this is an example to all of us of how an add on campaign should be done.
      Cheers and thanks J. Sera for creating this for us.

End of results.