Reviews for Dark Blood

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    • NovaStrike

      Posted this review


      Actually 8.8 points. A very good campaign with interesting atmosphere and backgound

      - Very good atmosphere. I'm amazing with the room of gasoline tanks and the med-kit trap, which shows you an unobtainable kit on map 2, haha
      - Designing is interesting and detailed
      - Good modification of the amount of weapon, only 1 thing per available gun. That's how I want Valve to change it.
      - Hard and well challenging for a good team.
      - Bots are stupid. Especially at the trap room of gasonline tank on map 3. They easily attack the zombies and shoot on the gasonline tanks and take the team down. I was very upset with this. This was annoying.
      - Map 3: At the end of the map, before entering the safe room, you can go to the opposite direction and explore extra areas that not required to pass the map. This actually a trap when it may kill you with the endless horde and make you restarting the map again. This is really annoying for someone who doesn't know.
      A very good campaign with interesting atmosphere and backgound. It's also good challenging. However it's too hard and anoying somtimes with unexpacted traps which can easily make your team down.
    • trojan_exe

      Posted this review


      Корабль, полный зомби

      Кампания, события которой происходят на огромном корабле.
      + хорошая детализация отсеков, да и самого корабля в общем;
      + выжившие подсказывают куда идти;
      + почти везде хорошая навигация ботов (кроме лестниц).
      - немного нелогично (откуда на корабле столько зомби? откуда на корабле тачка, да ещё и с сигнализацией?);
      - на первой главе боты долго не берут аптеки и оружие, приходится немного пробежать вперёд, и вернуться;
      - на третьей главе в убежище есть Т2 оружие, но нет ни одной снайперской винтовки;
      - на третьей главе есть неадекватно сложный момент с бочками в маленькой комнатке (боты постоянно их взрывали и дохли там, оставляя меня одного, я смог пройти этот момент только с третьего раза, и то, Зои активно не хотела спускаться вниз, в результате чего её сожрал курильщик);
      - в концовке из особых заражённых почему-то только бумеры;
      - когда прилетает вертолёт, прямо перед ним появляется танк.
      Средненькая кампания, со своими плюсами и минусами. Лично я прошёл её один раз с ботами, и больше наверное не буду. На её прохождение ушло примерно 45 минут с двумя рестартами (из-за идиотского места с бочками на третьей главе).
    • FreeCell

      Posted this review


      One of Great L4D1 Add-On Campaigns

      PROS : Poster
                   Good tanker ship design
                   Interesting and decent layout/texture
                   No bug
                   Exellent items/ammo,atmosphere setting
                   Proper difficulty
                   Random paths and events
                   Creative events
                   Great tower design in finale area
      CONS : No spawn special hordes in overall level 1 map (maybe they would got stucks or glitches at some areas)
                   Not good tanks/witches spawn directions (when i play this map, tank spawned front of start saferoom in level 4)
                   Bots and special hordes get stucks some areas (specially ladders)
    • Centerdeal

      Posted this review



      Good map overall, using both a tanker and oil rig for the environments.
      Not swamped with supplies, but enough to get you through if you wisely use your ammo and health.
      Quite frankly, it is really the only time I can see the oil/gas barrels having a purpose....there are quite a number of them around, but it is totally acceptable because of the environment.
      The aesthetics of the entire game are very good.  Being near the edge on the floors while on the oil rig gave me vertigo.


      The bots, or the bot navigation.  Each time I had to jump over the edge of the ship to get to the oil rig, the bots constantly got hung up, and usually ended up dying.  This happened a few times throughout the map, always leading to the death of one or more bots (the final can be the death of all three bots).  Extremely frustrating.
      No ocean sounds (seagulls, water breaking, etc.).  The environment would have been better if the sounds had been there.
      There is really no damage anywhere on the tanker ship or oil rig.  A minor detail for sure, but something that one would expect in an apocalyptic game.


      A very good map that uses its limited space extremely well.  The whole story takes place on a tanker ship and oil rig, but it seems very large, which is good.
      The only thing that is really keeping this map from being a classic is the navigation of the bots.  I know I've said it before, but it is worth repeating.  Nevertheless, it is an exciting map, and it is one that you should have in your Left 4 Dead collection
    • SomeKindOfUserName

      Posted this review



      -- Levels are very well structured, with choke-points and good holdout spots aplenty.
      -- Navigation isn't just a matter of w + m1, but levels were never obtuse or confusing.
      -- Just enough spawned goodies to get by, no more or less.
      -- Creative events.
      -- You can climb the tower. :)
      -- Great atmosphere on first and third maps.
      -- Finale requires you to think about positioning rather than just camping the first spot everyone stands still in.
      -- Hard, but didn't feel unfair out of a couple of places.
      -- Map 2's second and/or third event . . . KA-BOOM!


      -- The bot nav. Oh lordy. They don't properly jump off the ledge to get to the map 2 saferoom, causing them to get stuck on it about 6 times out of ten. (I counted.) Francis and Bill decided to park their rears at the base of the lift during the map 3 crescendo, leading to Zoey's death. Then they decided to stand there until the event was full over, causing them to die while I (20 hp) waited in the safe room. Then in the finale they bumrushed the extraction point and got super-saiyaned off the platform by the tank.
      -- I like the finale in general. It's dangerous, you have to hunt for supplies, you pretty much have to think about what angles you want to hold if you want to live-- and if you do, it's mostly a piece of cake, with very little you can't adapt to. Then the chopper arrives. I like the tank spawning on top of the platform-- it's a dangerous place, no logical reason to camp there -- but the full contingent of SI and giant mob of SI . . . those are a bit less fair.


      There are some things that I don't like about the map, but I had too much fun to rate it any lower than an 8. Probably won't be easy-peasy lemon-squeezy on any difficulty, but if you don't mind both thinking ahead and reacting quickly, I'd call it one of the best for L4D1.
    • Loadingue

      Posted this review



       - Visually perfect.
       - Realistic maps.
       - Easter eggs.
       - Great ending cutscene.
       - A few original ideas.


       - The weapon spawns are not always well balanced.
       - The maps may become a bit boring.
       - Sometimes easy to get lost.
       - Hard finale (not enough space).
       - Very few survivor dialogue.


      Very good campaign. It has a few cons, but you should try it, it's worth it.
    • HajimeSaito2010

      Posted this review



      fun gameplay
      decent bot nav
      decent weapon spawning spots


      no water at finale? missing tile?
      can jump off the ship on the 2nd level and bounce in the water forever (not really a downside I found it quite amuzing actually)
      bots can be very stupid at times (shocker right?)
      didnt feel like I was in the ocean. no custom sounds
      missing tile in the boat. whenever I looked down t just turned totally blue?


      all in all it was a pretty fun campaign. strange in some spots but fun. would reccomend it :)
    • BenB

      Posted this review



      Very challenging on expert
      Multiple routes on map 3
      Good flow and items and pickups well placed


      Bots love to drown on map 2
      Bots get stuck by the scissor lift on map 3
      Hell of a lot of zombies living on one oil rig!


      Played this in early beta and it's come a long way. I spent a whole evening with 3 friends and we couldnt complete on Expert [although I managed it on my own with 3 bots next day]. So got a whole night of fun out of it. 
    • fromach

      Posted this review



      Great level design. Many infected ambush positions. Plenty of Tanks. Sacrifice-style cruciendo moment.


      Confusing. Pointless trip through the ship. (for new players on this map) Alarm car ambush.


      Had alot of fun, but it also made me realise that VALVe is never original(exiting the ship, there is a sacrifice-ish cruciendo moment). Overall: needs a bit of decorating, & direction. 
    • MunirBinJulaihi

      Posted this review



      Great level designs.
      Nice ending especially the helicopter.
      More "realism" levels.


      Too dark to see everything, and can't figure out where to go next.


      The map was incredibly great and like Dark Hollow said, it's worth a download.
      One of my favorite part is the one that fills with barrels. I actually laughing too much 'cause they were too many explosions and me and my friends were arguing about the barrels, but we love that room. It's quite fun!
    • Ph33r S0m3
      Ph33r S0m3

      Posted this review



      + Original Campaign
      + First and second chapters looked amazing
      + Excellent atmosphere
      + Molotov's and Pipe bombs placed well throughout the map
      + Survivors talk to each other
      + Creative crescendo events
      + Fun
      + Perfect ending
      + Challenging
      + Did I mention fun?


      - Lack of first aid kits in 3rd and finale chapters
      - Bots get stuck in the first crescendo event on chapter 3
      - Non stop horde in chapter 3 for the alternate crescendo
      - 2 first aids in the final chapter
      - Tanks usually were always in the same area for chapter 3


      This is by far one of the best maps I have ever come across in left 4 dead. It is very challenging and original. A few glitches here and there, but you should really fix the glitch occurring at the first crescendo event in chapter 3. But other then that, you HAVE TO get this map!

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • [UDA] Winterz
      [UDA] Winterz

      Posted this review



      -Awesome setting, textures, and sounds
      -Survivors talk
      -Well designed
      -Useful equipment placements throughtout the map
      -Awesome atmosphere


      -Lack of health kits in third and final chapters


      This is one of the best maps I have ever played on L4D. It is such a nice map, with challenging areas and character dialogue. Download this now!

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • RainingMetal

      Posted this review



      -Campaign takes place in a vessel throughout.
      -A little bit of Survivor dialogue here and there.
      -Atmosphere immersive and level design well-made.
      -Weapon placement good.


      -Is it me, or do the hordes in the third map never stop after opening the gate?
      -Lack of Health Kits in areas (especially map 3).
      -Only two Health Kits in finale.
      -A bit easy to get lost.


      It's a little easy to get lost in this map, seeing as how you can easily backtrack in certain areas. Otherwise, it's a nice, dark Campaign.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • Impossible

      Posted this review



      -Really good unique style and atmosphere
      -Creative layout, fun for versus
      -Creative events(panic and otherwise)


      -A tad confusing
      -Bots screw around sometimes
      -The tarp at the finale has a bugged animation(You should make it reset the animation before it starts flying off)


      Overall, a very good campaign. It has a consistent and unique atmosphir, and looks overall great. Although the environment could use some variety, it has become dull after a while and it caused me to get lost a few times as well.
      Definitely a must try, there was a lot of work put into this, but it's not perfect. It could be, but it's not.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • r0r

      Posted this review



      very nice map... !! good gameplay, overall good


      only 4 maps, nothing more to moan at


      give it a try, it's worth it

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • Astroass34

      Posted this review



      -The water part was cool 
      -The first map
      -Good ammo/health placement
      -Great design


      -Too many hordes for my taste
      -Glitches with bots
      -Not enough arrows
      -The map, "Platform"
      -Too many alarms
      -Even though it was very well designed, I felt like it all looked the same


      I wouldn't have been so irritated with all the hordes if it was made easier to find my way around. I got lost a lot- mainly in the map, "Platform." Also, there were too many alarms. Once I hot an alarm, I didn't know what it did or where to go. I wish it told you that you had to turn off the alarm in "Platform." Before you enter the safe room for the 3rd map, why do you have to drop down from the tanker on the platforms? You always get hurt when you do that. Kind of dumb.
      But, the campaign was made very well, and with the exception of wanting to light my computer on fire because I was so frustrated at getting lost, I did enjoy it. Smokers became quite annoying at the end. The finale was really easy, and normally I wouldn't like that, but since I got lost in the 3rd map so much, and since all the hordes wouldn't stop for 5 seconds so I could figure out where to go, I welcomed the finale. 

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • Dark Hollow
      Dark Hollow

      Posted this review



      Fresh level ideas
      Plenty of events
      Great area for a tank makes it challenging
      Underwater was fun


      I got lost twice, once when there was a car with an alarm on it near a hole in the wall after the first event i didnt know u could go through the hole, and second after the fork lift event i didnt know where to go so i tried to jump down to the stair case and incaped myself.


      New level design, with challenging areas, and plenty if events. Easy to get lots. Definetly worth the download

      This review was posted before the latest release.


      Posted this review



      few  surprises. loved when u went under water never seen that before.


      i kept getting lost.
      it got boring after a while semmed u were going in circles


      ive played better maps

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • alostsandwich

      Posted this review



      Excellent story idea
      Awesome ship level design
      Very challenging
      Awesome traps (The floor collapsing scared the crap out of me)
      The oilrig map changes itself every so often (fences and such are added)


      The swimming/water part of the engine room level is very confusing, For those confused...Move your ass or you will run out of oxygen.
      The finale seems very unfinished and wide open, No medkit or weapon stashes outside of the saferoom that I could find aswell.


      I played this with one other friend on advanced and I probably won't play again unless I get four actual players as the bots get really confusing in this campaign.
      All in all if you are looking for a simple way to kill an hour, then I recommend this campaign.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • Andrija

      Posted this review



      Excellent levels design-logical
      Creativity-I LOVE the idea of tanker ship and oil rig!
      Good graphic-impressive even when camparing with valve's works.
      Atmospheric-ways after ways of infected swarm toward survivors as they try to make it to the finale saferoom.


      4 maps only.


      Very well done.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

End of results.