Reviews for Dead Before Dawn

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    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      Certified hood classic. One of the best custom campaigns for the first Left 4 Dead without a doubt. Played the many different versions of this many many times in the second game, nice to play it for the first one :P. If you haven't played this.. play it, seriously, it's great. That is all.
    • OWM2_M_B

      Posted this review


      No Doubt That the L4D1 Version Is Also Great

      Finished on Expert (Realism Mode doesn't exist in L4D1 lol). I prefer DC version for its more amazing level design, but this one's definitely almost as good. The only shortage that matters is the holdout event on M4 - to be honest, it's a bit annoying on a singleplayer game. Throwing a Tank at survivors as punishment is better than forcing them to restart.
      BTW there's a jesus spot in the finale XD

      Edited: 4 months ago

    • trojan_exe

      Posted this review


      Как выжать максимум из доступных инструментов.

      Не Ромеро, а Зак Снайдер! (Ромеро - оригинальный фильм 1978 года, Снайдер - ремейк 2004 года).
      + оригинальный загрузочный постер;
      + шикарная детализация карт;
      + огромное внимание к мелочам;
      + много отсылок к фильму 2004 года;
      + на протяжении всей кампании встречается много пасхалок, забавных моментов и диалогов;
      + оригинальное вступление;
      + потрясающая работа со светом (особенно на первой главе);
      + отличные звуковые эффекты окружения, благодаря чему чувствуется живой мир вокруг нас;
      + оригинальные разговоры по радио от охранника торгового центра;
      + отдельная сюжетная линия компании;
      + выжившие подсказывают куда идти и что делать с помощью игровых вокалайзов (впервые такое встречаю в первом лефте!);
      + анимация самолётов на второй карте была неожиданной и прикольной;
      + вертолёт, который показывает нам путь на второй главе (и боты при этом кричат: - "Скорее, к вертолёту!");
      + оригинальные ивенты;
      + на четвёртой главе просто потрясающий момент с разбиванием окна унитазом;
      + карты обширные, исследовать их интересно.
      - ужасная навигация ботов, они дико тупят на ивентах, часто не заходят в двери или не продвигаются туда, куда нужно, вечно застревают на одном месте;
      - на второй главе был баг с пианино, его не возможно было активировать, пришлось делать рестарт главы. После рестарта всё заработало;
      - на последней главе на крыше сильно проседает ФПС (хотя и не критично, с 300 обычных до 110-130);
      - на концовке мало таблеток и молотовых с бомбами;
      - в концовке снайперская винтовка только в одном экземпляре.
      Пожалуй, самая красочная доп. карта из всех, которые я играл. Очень и очень круто, разработчики постарались на славу, и выжали максимум из ресурсов игры! Минусы в основном касаются поведения ботов, но я уверен, что и тут команда разработчиков этой карты сделали всё что было в их силах. Думаю, что эта кампания по красоте и продуманности может дать фору даже официальным картам от Valve. Прошёл за 1 час 50 минут с тремя рестартами (по вине не работающего пианино и ботов).
    • FreeCell

      Posted this review


      One Of Perfect Campaigns

      Dead Of Dawn theme
      Decent and well made urban environment
      Perfect map design/detail
      Custom musics
      Very cool atmosphere
      Overall events
      Perfect Bot's NAV/AI
      Perfect item/weapon/ammo setting
      Not easy
      Overall thrill and fun play
      No bugs/glitches
      Poster (especially Zoey)
    • Cross_CJR

      Posted this review


      Fantastic Campaign

      Pros: Great level designs. Easy to navigate. Good custom music and music choices for the Special Infected. Creepy Witch music. Daylight!
      Cons: Bots would try walking through the barricade to get to the safe room in the second level.
      I played the L4D2 version a couple of times with some people so I figured I give the first one a go. I played single player with bots and didn't have too much issue with them except for one instance at the playground in the second map. When you have to break the barricade probably hold out in some other spot if you're playing with bots. The bots would constantly try to walk through the barricade when you're near it. If you try breaking the barricade the bots will continuously walk into the fire and damage themselves. They will even get themselves blown up once the barricade breaks. This was my only issue with the campaign. Everything else was perfect. You can tell a lot of hard work was put into this map and I greatly appreciate it.
    • naegimakoto

      Posted this review



      nice detail in the map,very nice
      custom music which gave very eery feelings [ on each special infected]


      OH GOD THE LAG WAS AWFUL -- very bad lag.
      missing images/pink black checkers? errors a lot of then.
      the special infected spawns very easily like lets say we could have just killed a hunter but out of nowhere a second two later is a spitter.
      what intro?  all my game did was just turn black the screen did and i couldn't move side to side until i saw the same black screen


      The lag is just awful man I didn't even get to continue playing because of how bad it was? Not to mention the errors,and pink/black items? it made it very difficult to play. The details and music were the only things i really liked about the map but in the end i stopped playing all together [didnt even finish it] and deleted. 
    • CaptainJaz

      Posted this review



      Awesome map with great detail
      the broadcasts about the zombie apocalypse were a very nice touch.
      Awesome intro and ending.
      Very fun to play.
      Really felt like I was in the movie Dawn of the dead.


      None that are worth mentioning.


      Pay close attention to this map creators, because this is how it's done. No endless hordes. No Witch every two feet. No back to back Tanks. Just a well designed, well put together map that is just fun to play.
      I'm giving this one a perfect ten.
    • Malta1565

      Posted this review



      -wonderful idead and adaptaions from the movie 'Dawn of the Dead'
      -looks great
      -Ai is'ent quite as terrible as usual
      -wonderful map!
      -fun and creative panic events


      -doors wouldent open once I made it into the mall storage/shipping area after panic event
      -huge file and slows my computer down on two of the five maps, i mean really hard for my computer to run and needs alot of storage memory
      -not quite worth all that hype
      -Ai is'ent quite as terrible as usual but still bad


      Great map one of the best but maybe a little overrated
    • RarexPL

      Posted this review



      Just AWESOME !!!sgfsgfsdfgsdgfsd




      better then officjal campagins simple EPIC TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL
    • JMantis

      Posted this review



      Some of the best design I've seen in a campaign.
      Large, well designed maps with a stunning amount of detail!
      Great custom content everywhere!
      Interesting and well thought-out panic events!
      Awesome custom soundtrack!




      Even though it had a difficult beta release and many obstacles along the way the DBD team provided a campaign that will go down in history as one of the greatest achievements concerning custom campaigns in L4D. This campaign provides everything you would like to experience in a L4D game. Large, well designed maps with a stunning amount of detail! Interesting and well thought-out panic events! Great custom content everywhere you look and a awesome custom soundtrack that really adds to the overall atmosphere of the campaign itself and the storyline. 
      What more could you ask for? It's very clear that this team really went for perfection and they obviously delivered. Even though I immensely enjoyed Dead Before Dawn 2 and it's DC version, this one will always be my favorite version despite the fact that all versions play very different from each other. As a real fan of L4D, all there is left to say is: DBD team, you have my thanks and I salute you! :-)
    • Jp4494

      Posted this review



      Great attention to detail
      Made by a true zombie fan
      Good Atmosphere
      Good Challenge
      Excellent Story


      Some difficulty with the AI
      A little confusing to navagate


      This is a great map and a must get for anybody who just has this game. You can tell this campaign was made by a true zombie fan and took their time making it. If youre a zombie fan and want a little bit of story with youre zombies this is definatly the map to get. And if you can tell you can find things that show respect to the deadfather himself George Romero. I highly recomend this campaign.

      Posted this review



      Great remake of an otherwise bad movie.
      Interesting crescendos.
      Love the radio parts, sent chills down my spine. 
      Amazing detail.
      The finale was awesome.


      Minor bugs with bots
      Certain buttons didn't work properly
      Crank crescendo was a little too tricky
      More hints would be nice.


      Great campaign, I can tell it was a lot of work but it was definitely one of the most well crafted campaigns I've played.
    • theeddgould

      Posted this review



      Custom sounds
      Different, Fun events
      Very Creative


      Glitchy Bot Moments


      Very fun, Creative campaign with varied difficulty. Great custom sounds, and an awesome finale. The only negative thing I have to say about this campaign is that the bots often strayed away from me, and at one point got stuck in a door, so I was forced to kill them. Otherwise, this is probably the best Custom Campaign I have ever played.
    • sft

      Posted this review



      5 good-sized, varied maps
      Looks great and has daylight!
      Custom sounds and music
      Unusual tasks


      A few glitches with the bots


      A great campaign that is pretty tough in Single Player Advanced mode. The maps look great and are well varied. The only letdown was that the bots sometimes hung back for long periods and occasionally wandered off for no reason -- clearly not an issue when playing with other people. Otherwise a top campaign.
    • Dark Wolf
      Dark Wolf

      Posted this review



      A very well put together map
      i-ts funny (like the radio and the guy over the mic0
      -has good custom music
      -and moves along nicely like not to much time on one thing
      -i like how the day changes from night to day


      -way to hard
      -the bots don't enter the door leading to the mall


      its a good map overall, and you should download it
    • Steiner

      Posted this review



      Custom event music
      Alternate paths leading to the same destination
      Highly Polished
      Original Voice content
      Awesome Intro
      Surprise Tank owns all
      Original Graffiti
      A campaign that easily outdoes any of the campaigns valve has made.


      The first door closing was tricky(glitchy?)
      The AC loading could have moved a bit more smooth


      Overall I am Impressed, well worth the file size. And Unlike the Silent Hill camp, the audio on this WORKS.
      My one regret is that I was left for dead during the finale.

      Posted this review



      -The amount of detail and resemblance to the movie certainly shows just how much effort was put into creating the campaign
      -The finale was fun to play and i enjoyed the final cutscene
      -I thought the radio announcements were a great touch to give the campaign a bit of story to it
      - The toilet through the window was a cool little addition to what happened in the film
      -The use of custom sounds and voices was great, especially with the Mall guard NPC helping you around the Mall and the areas prior to the Mall
      -Finding the valve wheels was a tough but fun
      -Overall a fantastic map!!


      I dont think this area is worth my time, nothing to complain about at all


      As the first downloaded map i played for left 4 dead it was certainly worth it, the detail and fantastic effort put into it and how it resembled the 2004 Dawn of the Dead surroundings well shows jut how much time was spent into creating a masterpiece of a campaign, and as a fan of both the original and the remake i couldnt stay away from this map!
    • Flemo123

      Posted this review



      -The entire mall looked and felt fantastic.
      -Loved the campaign poster, very nicely done.
      -Awesome custom music and sounds.
      -The finale was fun as.
      -The whole campaign looked beautiful.
      -Loved the radio newscasts.
      -Makes you feel as if you're in a zombie apocalypse.
      -Loved the part at the gas station with the guy in the car.
      -Loved the parts where you were told stop or you'd be fired upon.
      -All in  all a brilliant campaign.


      -Would of liked to have gone through Anna's house.


      Easily the best custom campaign I've ever played, very close between this and I Hate Mountains. If you're hesitant about the file size it's entirely worth it, it has a huge amount of custom sounds, music etc. The author must of been a ridiculous amount of hours into this, as this is just fantastic.
    • lobster

      Posted this review



      Good performance
      Maps look gorgeous
      Best custom campaign poster I have ever seen
      Great structure to the maps, never got lost
      Great voice acting, sounded professional
      Great custom music, again it sounded professional
      Great subtle mix of humor
      Mall looked amazing, really felt like I was in one
      Events were unique, fun, and required teamwork
      Finale holdout area really felt like something from a zombie apocalypse
      Finale cut scene put a huge smile on my face


      Tank spawn upon attempting to enter the mall for the first time didn't seem natural
      The furniture store cut-scene wasn't that great
      Survivors got stuck upon attempting to enter the mall for the first time, as if there was something blocking them (happened on a second play though, was easily fixed with a restart) 


      Easily the best custom campaign I have ever played, even better than "I Hate Mountains" IMO.  I was hesitant of downloading this custom campaign at first due to it's file size and not so good reviews right at the top, but man, I definitely regret that.  Don't hesitate at all to get this master piece!   Also, I am very picky when it comes to aesthetics in a map,  I am always finding things that seem out of place to me in 99.8% of custom campaigns (that .2% that seem perfect are DBD and IHM), but this campaign was very pleasing on my eyes.  
      How people can rate this with a score of 50 is mind-boggling to me. 
      Please give us the directors cut for L4D1!
    • sofa_king_badd35

      Posted this review



      Its ok,
      I like the placement on the weapons and the theme is cool.. 


      the finale for the air condition is not right whats up with the door?? its made from a function brush and works off of what a logic timer? whatever the air condition does not really need four levers to move it. and the mall was ok but whats up with the timers on the finale for the mall? change that, its not real at all and makes it feel like a arcade game. 


      Its well put together on part of design but lacks on game play.. the story line adds the flavor but still lacks in areas of direction, the helicopter that explodes flys over for no reason but to crash to the ground.. Good to play for anyone looking for a change of events , rather then the same l4d maps.

End of results.