Reviews for The Facility

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    • Marcusyaho

      Posted this review



      Alot of challange
      Nice design
      Very cool ideas
      Navigation is almost perfect (might just need a little mork more
      Enough supplies


      Bots get stuck a few times
      Too many unrealistic playerclips
      Boxes in the start room are places under the floor
      Specials get stuck outside at the fence a sometimes
      The van doesn't have a car glas
      No soundscapes at all
      Can pick up 5 moltoves at the same spot


      This map is almost perfect like it is! Only a few details I would like to see fixed.
      And please remove the playerclips! Tanks and other specials can't get us down from the roof so camping there means your more or less safe. You should add playerclips around the props (I think the reason why you have playerclips is becasue you want to block them?) and make them huge so they touch the sky. And remove the playerclips around the roof becasue its unrealstic and specials dont have a chance.

End of results.