- 4 Magnum... 4 Survivors
* Gameplay mode: Mutation * Game types: Co-op * Max players: 4 (Multiplayer) _______________________________ ENGLISH Each one with his Magnum against the deadly horde and Boomers. This Mutation is a variation of Lone Gunman. ...
- Back 4 Blood Collection
ENGLISH: THESE MODS ARE NOT MY PROPERTY This is a compilation of mods from different authors on GameMaps and Steam Workshop “Back 4 Blood Collection” contains: - Weapon and item skins - Survivor skin - Common and special zombie ski...
- United We Reign (Mutation Mode)
This is a custom mutation test Working along side with "ChimiChamo" and "Rayman1103" Combining and merging "United We Stand" with "Universal Downpour" Note: for any console users, the command for at the end of a map name is "reign_c...
- United We Stand Co-op
mutation that has the original Left 4 Dead survivors with you in Left 4 Dead 2 survivor campaigns. mode should be listed in same menu options list as other mutations from Rayman and the game. mixed in support for realism mode as well if ...
- Rayman1103's Mutation Mod
Adds a lot of Custom Mutations created by me and others. The main-menu has been edited so all Mutations can be created via lobbies, and can be played online at anytime. To play Custom Mutations online, they'll have to be played via a ...
- Universal Downpour
Hard Rain storm and rain on any campaign map chapter Mutation and script both included Chimney Camouflage Criminal Camel Chimichanga
- Nude regenator
Nude regenerator replace hunter. Place the vpk file in the ”addons“ folder to run this mod. Nude regenerator replace hunter. Place the vpk file in the ”addons“ folder to run this mod. If you want to change the hunter action like the...
- Spite
All the tanks you've ran past and left behind have finally caught up to you, and they're mad. And there's lots of tanks. Like, way too many. Type "!killtanks" in chat to kill all tanks, if you would rather not wait for them to die at ...
- Plague of the Dead (Mutation)
In this Mutation, only one of each weapon will be available, and only common Infected spawn. The Infected may be slow, but they pack a punch. Only headshots will kill the Infected. If you get incapacitated you'll be auto-revived, but an ...
- Right 2 Live Mod
Right 2 Live is a game hub that gives access to a ton of optional content based around various themes. This can be disabled like any other addon, allowing you to convert your game to R2L and back to normal at will. This hub does not cont...
- A tough coop
Cooperative mode mutation configurable via a few chat commands. All the information for the configuration is accessible by writing in the game chat: !show_cfg Chat text also appears on the game console. Options in version 1.6: ...
- Tank massacration (Bosses edition)!
New version of my Tank massacration addon! but with tank bosses with different powers. It is a configurable addon. There are a total of 33 Tank bosses that will appear randomly, 23 of them are Everice's creation for his magnificent ad...
- Back 2 Vanilla
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // THIS ADD-ON REQUIRES TINKERING WITH GAME FILES! // READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! //////////////////////////////////...
- Big butt ********!
This addon includes three mutations: A) Big butt ********: - There's only Boomettes and Tanks. At least one Tank is forced to spawn, normally when passing first half of the map. - Variable respawn according to the number of survivor...
- Headshot counter
Game mode that presents a statistic of death headshots done by survivors. Each headshot can produce a sound and/or a few seconds of slow motion (not always, it's random), configurable by the player. Two VPKs are included: * headshotcou...
- Tank Run (Auto-Revive)
This mod adds a variation of the Tank Run Mutation with changes from the August 22nd, 2023 update. The main differences are: - Added auto self-revive mechanic with a delay based on the "survivor_revive_duration" Cvar (default 5 sec...
- Realism Death's Door + Iron Man
If you've ever played Death's Door or Realism Death's Door, but you feel like you need even more tension, this mutation is for you! It simply adds Iron Man rules (no ammo piles and no restarts) to Realism Death's Door. So, in this ...
- Rayman1103 Mutation MOD - Traducido Al Español
salu2 despues de aver subido esta traduccion a mi canal. me e decidido a subirlo a esta pagina. aclaro que no me estoy robando el mod. creditos a: Rayman1103 Mutation MOD. el mod esta en un 90% traducido. puede que un futuro lejano lo te...
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ **ATTENTION** THIS MOD IS A PLUGIN AND TO WORK CORRECTLY YOU MUST HAVE SOURCEMODE INSTALLED ON YOUR LEFT 4 DEAD 2!! --------------------------------...
- TDA Hatsune Miku: GLaDOS Aperture (VIP Survivor)
Just a mod to replace VIP Survivor in VIP Escort from Rayman1103's Mutation Mod,and it is made using the simplest way, so it cannot work alone. There are two versions, "rnggladosmikuvip.vpk" requests "myl4d2addons_rng miku.vpk" and "mu...
- VIP Delivery mutation
(Credits to Breezing Wing and Jack Bauer ︻デ▬—— for healing function after finish the map) This is basically a special delivery that was originally created by Valve, but with common infected. Are you ready for an insane zombie apocaly...
- Mob of Witches V2.0
Only witches. lots of witches. They attack on sight. Now with better code, more witches, and witches that will randomly spawn right behind you. IF NO WITCHES SPAWN: Please for the love of god check for the admin system addon or any muta...
- A Typical L4D2 modpack
So i decided to mix some mods in the game to make it more realistic and a bit scarier which is why i made this modpack (I dont own the mods credits go to their original owners)
- Tank massacration!
This is my first mutation. It was going to be a mix of Tank rush! by WILLIAMS117™ and Gib fest, but evolved to something new. It's ideal with maps with big areas and scarce ammo. I tested it with Highway 17, Water hazard and Divine Cyber...