cod:iw weapons pack that has a collection of weapons and other things in the steam workshop. i particularly like these addons and decided to make a pack of things selected by myself to publish and help those who also like it. i put t...
- The Better Pwnage Peanut Pack
a complete package of Pwnage Peanut scripts! - it contains all the items modified via scripts released by him so far - this package includes the 'Grenade Launcher & M60 Fix [Server Mod]' - some things have been modified: 1. t...
- World War 1 Weapons PackBeta
Left 4 Dead 2 World War 1 Weapons Pack
- All my mods
Intro Hello, this is all my mods i did / edit , either personal ones that i didn't upload, or some i uploaded on the workshop, all mods are a 8 pack with a rename (you need to restart the game after the addon is enable to make th...
- Awesome Ammo Packs Version 1.3
ALL OF MY NEW STUFF IS ON STEAM. Updated to version 1.3! Now you may pause the game even if using the console and there's no friendly fire. This mod gives you special ammunition packs (explosive and incendiary) with 10,000 times the d...
- World War 1 Weapons Pack 2Beta
Left 4 Dead 2 World War 1 Weapons Pack 2
- Printstream Weampos Collection For L4D2
Printstream Weampos Collection For L4D2 Printstream AK 47 Replace AK Printstream M4A1-s Replace M16 Printstream AWP Replace AWP Printstream USP-s Replace Pistols Printstream DEAGLE Replace Magnum Printstream M4A4 Replace M16
- All Teen Angst Zoey (arms rig fixes)
This is an updated version with fixes to its "arms rig". Without going into detail, that lets you use custom items without "stripes" on the screen. Credit to Arby26 for the original model and Crowbait and Zetnus for their fixes. Copyrigh...
- All Bikini Zoey Survivors
Replaces all eight survivors with a different bikini Zoey (real Zoey is red). Works online if you're on best available dedicated servers (Zoey's animations). Does not change things like HUD or lobby icons or names or sounds. Copyright...
- World War 2 Weapons Pack 2Beta
Left 4 Dead 2 World War 2 Weapons Pack 2
- World War 2 Weapons PackBeta
Left 4 Dead 2 World War 2 Weapons Pack
- Silent Hill: Special Infected Pack (Optional)
Special Infected models. Works only in both Silent Hill campaigns. In order to make it work this mod should be above campaign's vpk. This contains mission txt, so you need to download it again after campaign's update. If a host doensn't ...
- Pack of all the golden guns
This is the mod 'Pack of all the golden guns' for Left 4 Dead 2.
fps booster mod that you can find in the steam workshop to improve your performance, this is a version 2 where I put some extra things like making the ragdolls disappear instantly, shiny weapons and melee (in the workshop version this di...
- Left 4 Dead 2 Beta Pack (Online Edition)
Welcome to The Official Left 4 Dead 2 Beta Restoration Project - Online Edition (by Sourcerer) Introduction The Left 4 Dead 2 Beta Restoration Project, developed by a passionate team known as Sourcerer, preserves Left 4 Dead's hi...
- Bréanainn's Modified Talker
TL;DR This talker adds a TON of generic lines that I just thought of and added as I went along (doesn't touch campaign lines) and combines elements I liked from bazreal's talker, and also elements I liked from the L4D Beta talker. The at...
- L4D2: River Update (DLC)
RIVER UPDATE This update is intended to address various issues in the game that were overlooked by the Last Stand team. -------------------------------- Please note: There's only one base included here. To utilize it, you must access...
- Right 2 Live - Sound Scripts
Contains sound scripts for all Right 2 Live content, changes default soundscapes to instead use R2L music.
- Upscaled Intro and Logo
This mod does not make the game boring thanks to the fully pumped talkers. Bots are able to apologize, thank, or even vice versa to anger, amuse, etc. without the need of a Vocalizer. Have a Fun ;)
- Left 4 Dead 2 - Realistic Pack
I've made this mod PACK for a realistic experience, As if it was a modern day First person shooter. The mod pack i've made has a few tweaks here and there whilst still having a vanilla experience. It took me many months to combine all...
- Right 2 Live Mod
Right 2 Live is a game hub that gives access to a ton of optional content based around various themes. This can be disabled like any other addon, allowing you to convert your game to R2L and back to normal at will. This hub does not cont...
- Back 2 Vanilla
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // THIS ADD-ON REQUIRES TINKERING WITH GAME FILES! // READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! //////////////////////////////////...
- Custom Weapon Base For Custom Maps
A new solution to use custom scripted weapons in custom campaigns. There were 2 methods to get custom weapons work in custom maps: Combining files of custom weapon base with custom campaign to 1 vpk, which could break some crescendo...
- Glowing Animated Universe WeaponBeta
This mod replaces all weapon models with another one which is an image of the RGB universe that keeps scrolling down the axis 270.0 degrees sine at 0.2 units per second