- All my mods
Introduction Welcome! This is a collection of all the mods I’ve created or edited. Some of these are personal mods that haven’t been uploaded, while others were available on the workshop. Each mod is provided as an 8-pack with rena...
- Turtle Rock Studios Survivors Improved
Combines the best parts from each of Oxxy's amazing beta survivors from Holy Panda Turtle Rock Studios' (original) survivors with fixes and improvements 2006: Static textured on eyes, 2k textures, no phong, no LODs, different body me...
- Heisei Godzilla 1994 S.H. MonsterArts
This mod replaces Bill with Hokkaido Goji, the Godzilla from the 80s/90s Heisei era of Gojira films. Original Godzilla model made by Vrahno. Heisei Godzilla SFM port by Ironcarnage101. Heisei Godzilla All Survivors Request ...
- Only Lili from Tekken 6 Zoey (request)
Only Lili from Tekken 6 Zoey (request) Fighting Game Tekken 6 (2007) character lili Rochefort Skin. Replaces all survivors L4D1(bill,francis,louis,zoey),L4D2 (nick,coach,ellis,rochelle) Skin. Zoey voice support works Credits: skin - ...
- Millennium Godzilla S.H. MonsterArts
This mod replaces Francis with the Millenium Godzilla aka MireGoji aka Godzilla 2000 from the Millenium era of Godzilla movies. Original Godzilla model by Vrahno. Subscribe to him on Youtube! :) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedf...
- Only Enhanced Zoey SFW Edition (request)
Only Enhanced Zoey SFW Edition (request) only Enhanced Zoey SFW Edition Skin. Replaces all survivors L4D1(bill,francis,louis,zoey),L4D2 (nick,coach,ellis,rochelle) Skin. Zoey voice support works Credits: skin - Cuba (Enhanced Zoey - S...
- Only SA Zoey Armored (request)
Only SA Zoey Armored (request) Only Secret Agent Zoey (Armored) Suit Skin. Replaces all survivors L4D1(bill,francis,louis,zoey),L4D2 (nick,coach,ellis,rochelle) with only zoey zoey voice support works Credits: skin - Lt. Rocky [Secret...
- only sniper wolf red lipstick zoey (request)
only sniper wolf red lipstick zoey (request) Only Sniper Wolf Zoey_red lipstick Skin Replaces all survivors L4D1(bill,francis,louis,zoey),L4D2 (nick,coach,ellis,rochelle) with only zoey zoey voice support works Credits: skin - ice3090...
- Peacemaker (John Cena) From Mortal Kombat 1
Mortal Kombat 1 Peacemaker FEATURES -Peacemaker -custom proportions -fp arms -vague icons -4k textures -PBR materials -facial animations Voiced By John Cena Peacemaker (MK1) Replace Ellis https://steamcommunity...
- Only Siete Ponytail Zoey (request)
Only Siete Ponytail Zoey (request) MORPG action online game MABINOGI: HEROES (Vindictus) [2010] Siete Ponytail Skin Replaces all survivors L4D1(bill,francis,louis,zoey),L4D2 (nick,coach,ellis,rochelle) with only zoey zoey voice support ...
- Only SA2 Hannah Zoey (request)
Only SA2 Hannah Zoey (request) online FPS game Sudden Attack 2 (2016) Only Sudden Attack 2 Hannah Blue Team Code Name (Geni) Zoey Skin Replaces all survivors L4D1(bill,francis,louis,zoey),L4D2 (nick,coach,ellis,rochelle) with only zoey ...
- Only DOA Helena Desert Queen Zoey (request)
Only DOA Helena Desert Queen Zoey (request) Dead or Alive 5 Last Round (2015) Helena Douglas Desert Queen Skin. Replaces all survivors L4D1(bill,francis,louis,zoey),L4D2 (nick,coach,ellis,rochelle) Skin. Zoey voice support works Credi...
- [AI] Jill Valentine voice Beta (Rochelle) [RVC ...Beta
I can't upload this on the workshop because I don't own steam version of l4d2 digital,I bought a physical copy of it, If you have steam version of l4d2 please contact me, so that i can collaborate with you to release this mod and my othe...
- Extended Population Pack!
pack with several new models and skins for infected! contains all addons from ‘Special Infected Variety Packs’ and extended population addon with correction to use the models! in short, more infected to give your game a new look! ...
- Improved Versus Pack!
an ugly but functional package for competitive modes! it contains everything you need to compete in the best possible way! - reduced sniper scope black border, cleaner infected view, smoker smoke remover, mud remover on some common in...
- Warzone Ports Pack
package of weapons and items from mw2019 (Warzone Ports collection) all combined in just 1 addon. - contains skins for all weapons including melee and items (except cylinders, petrol...due to the script causing conflicts on official ...
cod:iw weapons pack that has a collection of weapons and other things in the steam workshop. i particularly like these addons and decided to make a pack of things selected by myself to publish and help those who also like it. i put t...
- The Better Pwnage Peanut Pack
a complete package of Pwnage Peanut scripts! - it contains all the items modified via scripts released by him so far - this package includes the 'Grenade Launcher & M60 Fix [Server Mod]' - some things have been modified: 1. t...
- World War 1 Weapons PackBeta
Left 4 Dead 2 World War 1 Weapons Pack
- Awesome Ammo Packs Version 1.3
ALL OF MY NEW STUFF IS ON STEAM. Updated to version 1.3! Now you may pause the game even if using the console and there's no friendly fire. This mod gives you special ammunition packs (explosive and incendiary) with 10,000 times the d...
- World War 1 Weapons Pack 2Beta
Left 4 Dead 2 World War 1 Weapons Pack 2
- Printstream Weampos Collection For L4D2
Printstream Weampos Collection For L4D2 Printstream AK 47 Replace AK Printstream M4A1-s Replace M16 Printstream AWP Replace AWP Printstream USP-s Replace Pistols Printstream DEAGLE Replace Magnum Printstream M4A4 Replace M16
- All Teen Angst Zoey (arms rig fixes)
This is an updated version with fixes to its "arms rig". Without going into detail, that lets you use custom items without "stripes" on the screen. Credit to Arby26 for the original model and Crowbait and Zetnus for their fixes. Copyrigh...
- All Bikini Zoey Survivors
Replaces all eight survivors with a different bikini Zoey (real Zoey is red). Works online if you're on best available dedicated servers (Zoey's animations). Does not change things like HUD or lobby icons or names or sounds. Copyright...