4 Maps Death Row (L4D1 Port) (Saleck) 8.8 I've had this ported for months on the workshop but decided to share it here. An absolutely fun campaign by "Saleck" that had some invisible models and nav map needing to be fixed. This by all means is the original L4D1 campaign less the...
5 Maps L4D2 Bloody Sunday 2 finale fix N/A Workshop link:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2737482466&searchtext=bloody+sunday Este mapa custom es antiguo y tiene corregido el capitulo final donde antes se bugeaba This addon lmp file simply fixes the g...
4 Maps Urbania Hell N/A Hell came to urban streets All full credit goes to "Gildun" as the developer We are simply helping out by getting them more players More feedback and criticism by mirroring this here There is also an "outsource" link to Workshop Eve...
Mod Ranger Soldier from Medal of honor allied assau... N/A This is the mod 'Ranger Captain from Medal of honor allied assault' for Left 4 Dead 2.
Mod italian infantry from Medal of honor allied ass... N/A This is the mod 'italian infantry from Medal of honor allied assault breakthrough' for Left 4 Dead 2.
MilkTarts January 2012 MilkTarts Posted this review 10 Pros: It's Marisa Works fine FPS Arms Cons: None Conclusion: Not crazy about Touhou, but I think it's pretty cool to see someone as a survivor. Great job on being the first. This review was posted before the latest release.
Posted this review
This review was posted before the latest release.