Mod Berreta AR70 (Desert Rifle) N/A Berreta AR70 (Desert Rifle) Beretta AR-70/223 - 5.56x45mm NATO Assault Rifle Skin. Left 4 Dead 2 SCAR-16S desert rifle replacement skin. scripts More add hud icon Rate of fire - 650-RPM 30 bullets Add sound skin - Sherl...
Mod Super Gore Shove (Vscript) N/A "What if you can shove strong enough to destroy common infected's limbs...?" "What if you can send special infected, tank & objects flying with just one strong shove? Would you literally become One Shove Man...?" Yeah, this mod i...
Mod Destiny Khvostov 7G-02 [AKM] (request) N/A Destiny Khvostov 7G-02 [AKM] (request) Destiny Khvostov 7G-02 [AR-15 5.56×45mm NATO] assault rifle Skin Left 4 Dead 2 AKM,AK47 replacement skin. scripts More add hud icon - Dokun [Destiny - Khvostov 7G-02 HUD Icon (M16)] Damag...
6 Maps The Arrival N/A DISCLOSURE ====================================== "Copyright ilcannibal 2024, This item is not authorized for redistribution Except under the accounts "ilcannibal" or "Trunten" or "Time Lord Magnum" or "1sg Heartless" The Arrival i...
6 Maps 广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.15.1 8 -简介 由 Nick 带领的四人小队登上了直升机,故事开始于比尔四人组在离直升机不远的地方,他们得知最后的疏散地点设在市中心广场。 -须知 此地图一共有三个部分,如果在游玩过程出现紫黑格或ERROR模型请确保你已经订阅下载好另外二个部分(PART)。 ...
Qw***y May 2012 Qw***y Posted this review 10 Pros: -Transparency looks damn awesome. -Design is appropriately themed and fits the blade well. -Great color choices. Cons: None come to mind. Conclusion: Probably the coolest katana skin I've seen so far. Well done.
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