Reviews for Redneck apocalypse shotgun

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    • Eila

      Posted this review



      - Better looking than the original pump action shotgun
      - Reminds me of a farmers' shotgun as soon as I see it
      - I like the bandage


      - Barb wire placement. 
      - Bit too orange


      Its a good shotgun skin but I think the barb wire and the bandage should switch places and tone down the orange brown a little bit. 
    • AgentVamp

      Posted this review



      Great detail and tape around it
      Doesn't look too bad if you turn down the colour a bit


      The colour, it's got a REALLY bright look to it, not very ideal to a dark game
      The barbed wire looks a bit drawn on to me but maybe that's because it didn't have it in the first place, although I don't see why it needs it really
      Your rifle gives me an eyesore


      Half n half on this one. Improve on the cons and you are set, my friend. Here's another tip. DON'T make a deadline. Release skins whenever you want. Let nothing pressure you and you will have heaps of time to improve and grow!

End of results.