Reviews for Spawn's ALL Common & Uncommon Infected

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    • Resilience777

      Posted this review



      + Makes every playthrough much more diverse and less repetitive.
      + The addition of Uncommon Infected gives a small challenge and change in combat tactics.
      + Supplies dropped from Fallen Survivors give you a welcome boost, especially for those total BS moments.


      - Gore and body damage effects won't work with the zombies imported from L4D1, but there's probably not much that can be done about that.


      A must-have mod for me, much thanks.
    • jean-pierre554

      Posted this review



      +I can see more zombies :D
      +Challengeing when fighting the armored zombies alot.
      +Great for people who want a bigger experience.


      -Lags my game horribly
      -Some uncommon do have the increased gore.
      -Not very realistic in my opinion (see conclusion)
      -Upsetting that the l4d1 common get stuck in ragdoll formation when moving.


      This mod is great for people who want more different types of zombies to kill. I am a little concerned about the many glitches in it though. Also it is not very realistic in some points like seeing hospital zombies in a contruction site. That is why Valve only put certain zombies in certain areas. Anywho good job :)

End of results.