Mod Mp5 with Smoke GL (Vscript) N/A As my crazy thought won again this time, & I decided to add grenade launcher on mp5, as it fits more on mp5. But as there's already explosive one for rifle, this one will go with smoke grenade. The smoke grenade itself is a special one, ...
6 Maps Dead City 2 8 Kill plenty of zombies starting in RiverSide (city) Battle through the Back Alleys, over a Draw Bridge, at a Military Outpost Find yourself at a Water Plant and escape at the Subway Station Copyright 2010 [illcannibal and Trunten an...
Mod 【巴啦啦小魔仙】CSGO- AWP 凌美琪 Replaces AWP N/A 角色设定:凌家姐妹中的姐姐,在心梦天使中伴舞。正义、乐观,性格活泼善良,聪明开朗,有时爱取闹,爱想鬼主意,有绘画天赋,行事冲动,无心向学。也常和小龙比成绩高低,和小龙是喜冤的好伙伴。 剧中的凌美琪,学习素质没妹妹凌美雪高,在美术方面有天...
Mod United We Stand Co-op N/A mutation that has the original Left 4 Dead survivors with you in Left 4 Dead 2 survivor campaigns. mode should be listed in same menu options list as other mutations from Rayman and the game. mixed in support for realism mode as well if ...
Deatthstar August 2012 Deatthstar Posted this review 9 Pros: Good pics Makes a creepier menu any resident evil fan should love this! Cons: Leon is getting killed! =( Conclusion: Good mod, but because of the leon thing I'm giving a nine out of ten.
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