Reviews for Golden Ninjato

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    • AlfredENeuman

      Posted this review


      Golden Ninjato

      I've used this quite a bit as a katana replacement (even though that weapon is plenty good in the first place, variety is nice.)  The blade isn't very long though and it doesn't seem to be held quite right.  Still it is good work overall without a doubt.
    • DamageIncM

      Posted this review



       - Looks nice.
       - Not too extravagant.
       - Straight for a change.
       - More compact than the tall Katana.


       - Also looks a bit dull.
       - It comes across quite small.


      I was looking for a more neutral-looking sword, and I guess this is the best one I could find. It's a nice replacement to the Katana, which I always felt is a bit extravagant, and then most sowrd or Katana mods make it even more out there (with colors and logos and such), which isn't really my preference. It's also nice that it's a bit more plain, not only in looks, but also in shape and size, cause it's straight and shorter. It does look a bit small, but that's quite alright to me.
      One thing is that I would like to see it "pop" a bit more. The blade or metal parts are quite dull, so that could be a little shinier (but not too much), and the colors could also be a little stronger. Otherwise it would be cool if there were simply some color-variations, like a black girp with a silver/metallic guard for example.
      Overall, really nice, but it could be spruced up a little is all.
    • RachelYuan

      Posted this review



      >Outstanding detail.
      >Completely different model.
      >I like how it's a little smaller than the standard.
      >You will always pick up a katana after downloading this.




      It's better than the default in every way. This is probably the best katana mod out there.

End of results.