I give you her royal highness: Princess Kitana! After leaving Edenia, Kitana decided to help Earthrealm in their war against the zombie virus! However, to take place, she suddenly replaced Rochelle (which was fine with everyone). I hope ...
How to Spawn more survivors
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Left 4 Dead 2 Guide
First you gonna have to do like this map c1m1_hotel dont forget sv cheats 1 you write in console sb_all_bot_game 1 Second You gonna Write again in console jointeam 1 them write jointeam 2 zoey;respawn boom! There you go you have many survivors HAVE FUN
map c1m1_hotel sv_cheats 1 sb_all_bot_game 1 jointeam 1 jointeam 2 zoey;respawn
Watch this video in down and you see how we do a more survivors
have fun and enjoy