*Custom music. *Cloudy weather and zombies in short sleeves, shorts and t-shirts - this is definitely set in the north east :-D *Liked the detail of the helicopter crash in the 1st map. *References to local places and culture. *Shipping crate areas look a lot better now that they are not all one colour. *Nuclear type explosion caused by one little barrel! *Nice seeing a campaign set when people are trying to rebuild and restore some kind of sanity after the initial chaos. *Custom signs. *Good amount of weapons and supplies. *Gnome hunting is a nice touch. *Nice cinematic effects. *Wide open spaces but still enough direction so you don't get lost.
*Common infected can start panic event in 1st map. *The grassed areas around the shipping containers in maps 2 and 3 looked quite plain. Perhaps use a blended texture instead to add some areas of detail. *Having the same crate model be breakable in some places but unbreakable in others could cause confusion.
An excellent campaign that is tougher than than the stock campaigns. 2 tanks during the finale is quite tough. One of the best campaigns out there I think. I've discovered quite a big shortcut in the 1st map. You can jump over the stone wall that's in front of the houses, by using the knocked down metal barriers near to the pair of mounted guns. Since bots couldn't use this, they ran into a tank going the normal way around and got killed :-D
This review was posted before the latest release.