- Left 4 Dead 2 Weapon Sound Pack
These sounds replace the original with the Left 4 Dead 2 weapon sounds. All you have to do is just stick the folder in the custom folder and it should play. L4D2 Pistol - Pistol Auto shotgun - Scattergun Pipe bomb and Grenade La...
- marco ariño
- joy aranea and nellie
- old rainblower taunt
old rainblower taunt came back
- Jojo Minigun (Star Platinum) sound mod
replaces stock tf2 minigun with Star Platinum sounds/attacks from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure changes wind up, wind down, idle spin, and shooting sounds.
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure ZA WARUDO Huo-Long Hea...
replaces most of the Huo-Long Heater sounds with DIO's ZA WARUDO changes the wind up, wind down, idle spin, and shoot sounds. izgud
- Rapidash meatcleaver
replaces the meatcleaver texture.
- Vaporeon baseball
replaces the baseball for scout
- tiger baseball
replaes the baseball for scout
- TF2 Sentry Lee Everett SoundBeta
Sentry Is Lee Everett Game The Walking Dead :D
- Call of duty AW Cel-3 styled Rescue Ranger
A skin i made for a friend whos name is leon
- Sonic&Shadow Scattergun
Team colored scattergun with Sonic for BLU team and Shadow for RED team. Let me know if there is any problem downloading, installing,... Know bugs: conflict with botkillers and australium shows BLU scattergun
- MW2 Intervention sound
this replaces the sniper shooting sound with the mw2 intervention PUT THE SOUND FOLDER IN YOUR CUSTOM FOLDER IN common/team fortress 2/tf/custom.
- Unused Frontier Justice Taunt Sounds
A simple modification that replaces the current Frontier Justice taunt sounds with unused ones I found in the "team fortress 2 content" GCF. There were only two "smash" sounds, however, so one of the default sounds are not replaced. More...
- Bonk! Atomic Punch Starman sound pack
A mod that adds the star theme from any Mario game to the Bonk! Atomic Punch.
- Black Gloves of Running Urgently
A skin for the GRU that makes the main colour Black, and the Flames Team coloured. Originally made for personal use, but they looked awesome, So I decided to upload it here too! To install, paste the 'tf' folder into your "Steam/Steamap...
- "Realistic" Shotgun Sound Mod
Replaces the reload, draw (Pyro Only), pump action, and shooting sounds of the Stock Shotgun with more realistic sounds. Note: The sounds are shared with the Frontier Justice and Family Business.
- "Realistic" Pistol Sound Mod
This mod replaces the stock Pistol sounds with more realistic sounds. Note: The reload sounds applies to every pistol and the flare guns.
- "Realistic" Revolver Sound Mod
This mod replaces the old, silly, horrible, or whatever as you call it Stock Revolver sounds, with sounds I found somewhere and edited to make better. Note: The Reload Sounds applies to all Spy Revolvers.
- Red Dead Redemption Ambassador sound
Adds the standard revolver sound from RDR to the Ambassador Sound here: /watch?v=1udDmU40fL0&feature=youtu.be
- Kagami festival ambassadorBeta
This does only work whit the festival ambassador not the normal one
- Widowmaker Sound Replacement
Just a simple sound replacement if you select the widowmaker I would add a youtube link to see the sound but TF2Maps cannot let me put the link
- Saxxy Gold Brass Beast
My first upload here. :3 A golden brass beast i made because i was sick of the old one. INSTALLATION : D:\Steam\steamapps\*Username*\team fortress 2\tf\materials\models\weapons\c_items If folders didn't exists make them. Enjoy. Fee...