The DAMNED Things
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"The human eye is an imperfect instrument" - Ambrose Bierce
Mode: Coop
Description: Be all ears as you won't see death until it's upon you. All Special Infected besides the witch are nearly invisible at a distance only revealing themselves as they close the distance. Shooting an infected will briefly increase it's visibility.
Witches get MORE invisible the closer you get.
Future Plans:
Tweaks to ranges based on feedback.
If we get to override particles in a mutation, I may modify the smokers smoke.
Also may make them more opaque when using abilities.
To launch from console...
map mapname damnedthings
09/21/15 ======== No revision notes have been added by the developer.
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Version 1.2 Complete
mods : Trending

- "Enhanced" Zoey - Anniversary Edition
- Merciless Survivor Bots (Complete Version)
- MiSide Collection Pack
- Psyskallar Winter Aesthetics Lite
- Advanced Bot AI (Enhanced)
- R18 MW2CR Model 1887 (removed moans)
- All my mods
- Only Enhanced Zoey SFW Edition (request)
- Vanilla+ Weapon Rebalance Script
- Left 4 Bots (Improved A.I.)
mods : New & Popular

- Merciless Survivor Bots (Complete Version)
- All my mods
- Vanilla+ Weapon Rebalance Script
- MiSide Collection Pack
- Enhanced Weapons and Items Pack
- Advanced Bot AI (Enhanced)
- Dark and Gritty Aesthetics
- CODMW2023 FJX HORUS-SD maoxi (Silenced SMG) v2 [Sound fix Ver]
- MW HK416D Mlok system Upgraded (Replace M16) v3 (Sound fix Ver,request)
- CSGO M4A1-S Erika (CSOL texture)
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