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Credit goes to Idletard for the model, original skin, custom weapon icon, and original sounds.
I have used the same skinning techniques that I used with my Special Forces M16A2 - Black on Idletard's M4A1 RIS.
I have merged the sounds from the M4A1 RIS and the Special Forces M16A2 - Black.
m4a1 ris with sp-...
(1.9 MB)
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Version 1.0 Final
Shadow Case Animation - HyperMetal Porting and Rigging - Twilight Flashlight Model - Krycek Model and Texture - Valve
mw2 m4a1 fire and reload sound without shellbounce. it was a request. Sound is the same as the other below linked below, just no shellbounce.
A reskin for IdleTard's release, but along with arby's awesome sauce (well animation) I tweaked it with custom normals and phong settings so it looks better in game. Credits: Twinke Masta - M4A1 Model El Maestro de Graffiti - M4A1 Text...
A retexture for Twinke's M4A1 RIS, made usable in L4D2 by Idletard. I originally made this about 2 months ago, and decided to release it here on L4dmaps. Features weathered and hardened textures, Tan Rails and VLTOR Stock, Green Dot Si...
MrLanky's Tactical M4A1 without the Grenade Launcher. Sorry I had this done some time ago and forgot.
M4A1 WDesert Camo THIS MOD WILL REPLACE M16 WITH M4A1 WDesert Camo
Except you're not working right now, so here you are instead, L4dmaps! Thanks to K1CHWA for doing the decaling and such, couldn't have done it without 'em.
Credit for the Special Forces texture addition goes to me, and credit for the M4A1 model and original textures go to SoulSlayer and Kimono (respectivly). What is different about these two mods is just the color and detail (Sharpening too...
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