Reviews for Blightmare

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    • Godzio

      Posted this review



      Świetna Kampania - Map. Spełniła wszystkie moje oczekiwania pozytywnie
      Oczywiście tylko poziom Ekspert . Śmiało Polecam
      Dziękuje. Proszę o więcej takich Kampania - Map
    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      Not bad, not bad, not great though. My main problem with this campaign is the environments feel way too barren and copy/pasted, chapter 3 being the biggest offender of the latter, and chapter 2 with the former. I genuinely got stuck on chapter 1 due to the fact I literally decided to go down the staircase instead of using the elevator "it'll be faster I thought," well I ended up wasting probably 20 minutes because of that decision, why? Well you see, there's a random locked door down the staircase that i knew was the way to go, and to add to that theory, i could search the file cabinets nearby, so i was probably unintentionally misled by the campaign because of this. This needs to be different, not lest because of the samey rooms that give you extra supplies, this is not how you do exploration properly. So either: 1. add a game instructor hint 2. block off the staircase entirely, or 3. just open up the damn locked door, no reason for it to be locked anyways, just bad map design.
      With that rant out of the way, I've already given my thoughts on the map design, the finale is inoffensive, just your typical holdout finale, nothing special. Average overall in my opinion. No issues (bugs) found though.

End of results.