Replaces the Dark Carnival Campaigns Concert Songs from Midnight Riders to DRAGONFORCE!! None of the songs actually have time to finish, sadly, but they do have unintentional transitions that work fairly well. This includes music for the...

Custom audio scripts
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Left 4 Dead 2 Guide
Custom audio script override
Ever feel tired of the monotonic of L4D2's gunfire ? By default there is no variant or modulation of the gunfire sound, and the game doesn't allow you to modify the sound scripts, but if you mount a new folder with the pak01_dir.vpk inside of it, the game will read it as if it's a new update. For some reason the command -M to create splitted VPK to create pak01_dir doesn't work for L4D2's vpk.exe, but you can fool the game by making an addon folder named pak01_dir, with the modified sound script file in it, then create it and put it in the newly mounted folder, namely "extra". Only been tested for offline play: Step 1: Mount the new folder as if it's a new update, mine is called "extra" Open the gameinfo.txt in gamedirectory/left4dead and add the "extra" folder in like below. The "extra" folder should also have this gameinfo.txt copied over. SearchPaths { Game extra Game update Game left4dead2_dlc3 Game left4dead2_dlc2 Game left4dead2_dlc1 Game |gameinfo_path|. Game hl2 } Step 2: Create the vpk. Name your mod folder "pak01_dir" and put the scripts folder with the modified sound scripts in it, then drag it to vpk.exe/its shortcut to create the vpk like a regular addon Step 3: Put the newly made vpk in the "extra" folder (gamedirectory/extra/pak01_dir.vpk) Step 4: Build sound cache for the new sound placed in the "extra" folder: Open the console and type/paste the following: snd_buildsoundcachefordirectory ../extra This will take a few seconds depend on how many file there is. Step 5: Profit Credit: Had to beat AnOldLady (creator of bsmod) with a stick to get this
Use the example file: gamemaps~com/details/26602