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Zero Warning [Updated]

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  • OWM2_M_B

    Posted this review


    Getting Lost Isn’t Fun

    The details are nice, but all three maps were filled with meaninglessly huge and visually repetitive areas. I think most players aren't able to find the correct path quickly. At the same time, the map design is really lazy in some ways. There're completely NO exciting events, the only thing players can do is finding the right path to the saferoom. How can that be fun when the map detail isn't very satisfying? In the finale, it's too easy for survivors to defend themselves. Any place slightly higher than the ground can be a good place to camp. Also, even after the helicopter arrived, I got lost. Not a good custom campaign for me.
    Edit: "The original developer requested removal"... Gosh. Nobody really expected for this.

    Edited: June 2024

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Version 1.1 Final

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