- 广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.15.1
-简介 由 Nick 带领的四人小队登上了直升机,故事开始于比尔四人组在离直升机不远的地方,他们得知最后的疏散地点设在市中心广场。 -须知 此地图一共有三个部分,如果在游玩过程出现紫黑格或ERROR模型请确保你已经订阅下载好另外二个部分(PART)。 ...
- Left 4 Dead RemixBeta
Originally this was the campaign "Dazed and Confused" This is one chapter from each official Left 4 Dead campaign "Jaku CFG" has only modified it to include two new chapters Very curious how well this unauthorized modification was don...
- Cold Front
After fighting their way North through ravenous hordes, Nick, Coach, Ellis, and Rochelle abandon their boat at a nearby dock due to a collapsed bridge. With nowhere else to go, the survivors head inland in hopes of finding rescue. Unbe...
- The Day After
DISCLOSURE ====================================== "Copyright ilcannibal 2024, This item is not authorized for redistribution Except under the accounts "ilcannibal" or "Trunten" or "Time Lord Magnum" or "1sg Heartless" Six Map Cam...
- ZengCheng v 5.12
Old version of ZengCheng. I'm not the author of this map. All copyrights to the Authors of the map: ????love profiles/76561198100387245
- Pier Pressure
This ain't no day at the beach
- Thick with fog Remake
浓雾弥漫的城市已经被感染者占领,幸存者们将使出浑身解数逃离这里... The foggy city has been taken over by the infected, and survivors will do whatever it takes to escape. 建图代码/Create code re_m1_city re_m2_suburb re_m3a_hangar r...
- Urbania Hell
Hell came to urban streets All full credit goes to "Gildun" as the developer We are simply helping out by getting them more players More feedback and criticism by mirroring this here There is also an "outsource" link to Workshop Eve...
- Death Row (original port)
Originally made in 2009 and ported from L4D1 to L4D2 You and your group must make your way through the town and out to an abandoned prison for rescue This campaign was Saleck's first attempt at Source Level creation back in 2009 This ...
- Deal With Destiny - Port for L4D2
This campaign is a port of a very old modification on half-life 2 - Deal With Destiny. 4 Medium sized maps! There is a small town, a secret lab, production, warehouses, even a train depot! Very unusual ending. The campaign was made at t...
- Baka 3 - Fairy War
The third map of the my very first map made in L4D2 If you are mad when you didnt know this is a sh!t trolling map I dont give a f**k This map literally took me almost NA hours (half of it used for afk wtf) to finish this so please...
- Mission Improbable(Carry the map)
本地图用于老版本Ver 1.0存档,作者本人已经来到gamemaps持续更新该地图,详情请看https://www.gamemaps.com/details/31759!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This map is used in the old version Ver 1.0archive, and the author himself has come to g...
- Nova Prospekt
The survivors have found themselves in Nova Prospekt, the Combine's base of operations.
- Baka 2 - 「Purely Torture Hell」
The follow up of my very first map on l4d2 It's a really terrible trolling map dont play it This map literally took me almost 300 hours (half of it used for afk wtf) to finish this so please play to the end with your friend if you c...
- Left 4 Goldeneye (Fixed)
Based on the classic Nintendo 64 game GoldenEye 007 from 1997 The maps are based on Facility, Archives, Depot, Control, Cavern and Cradle Features custom props, custom models and random rescue vehicle positions
- Night Terror (Official Fixed)
Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion! Models and sounds fixed. No other unnecessary changes. Both text files inside the VPK point to author's site as they should. Created by Nipper and Dr. Boo (also known as Snow). This...
- King PlatteLAN
King PlatteLAN A small 4 map, campaign i made long ago for a lan party for friends. Years later, i gave this mod some love, and heavy improvements for public launch, its still a short campaign, but fun for sure! Enjoy...
- Grave Consequences
It's just a perfectly harmless abandoned old grave yard...
- Pick a Gnome
(None of my campagns posted here at GameMaps are to be reposted anywhere else without my permission). 1/24/2024 Added signs to "the House of Chompski" and lighted arrow signs showing the direction to proceed. Seems some people were h...
- Sector-74: March of the survivors
TRAILER V1.3 TRAILER WALKTHROUGH SECTOR-74: March of the survivors 16 Level campaign made by: CR0NO SET SHADER DETAIL (in video menu options) TO MEDIUM OR HIGHER TO SEE THE SKYBOX CORRECTLY Enjoy. Special...
sorry to these people who played the old versions of this map and suffer to know whats next and 36 cans!!, i no got friends to be testers but anyways thanks to all testers who played the earlys versions special thanks for Roku for sa...
- City 17 Revamped
Survivors make their way through "City 17" to reach the last stronghold of people in this city - the railroad station and drive safely away, not knowing what may suddenly happen next. This map is a quality update to the "City 17" addo...
- Zero Warning
Our four survivors are dropped off via helicopter in the mountainous wonderland, known as "Riverside Park", tasked with the duty of finding gas so their helicopter can refuel. This beautiful and large forest was once home to park rangers...
- Thunder Rain Storm
Fight your way through an abandoned city to the evacuation outpost for escape. All hell's fury can't stop them now!