L4d2 Smg Silenced SmgA Default

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  • jejekeupon

    Posted this review



    -Nice concept
    -Nice textures
    -Nice animations
    -Nice sound ^^
    -Nice FPS and 3nd person view
    -The normal uzi and the silenced are exchanged


    -I prefer the craft attachment for the silenced XD
    -The sound is horrible with fire bullets XD


    It changes it's nice ^ ^ A very good mod, good job thank you for it ;)

Developers & Credits

File Details

l4d2 smg silenced...

(4.8 MB)

View Changelog

Version 1.0 Complete

Xenecrite : Trending

Energy Sword Halo 2
  1. Energy Sword Halo 2
  2. AS 50.Cal
  3. L4d2 MEga Pack
  4. OICW Hl2 Beta (M16)
  5. Hl2 Smg1 Packs (Normal,Silencer)
  6. Twin Digimon (Renumon and Renamon)
  7. Pro C4
  8. G41 Scope ZL4
  9. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Weapons
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"Enhanced" Zoey - Anniversary Edition
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  2. Merciless Survivor Bots (Complete Version)
  3. MiSide Collection Pack
  4. Psyskallar Winter Aesthetics Lite
  5. Advanced Bot AI (Enhanced)
  6. R18 MW2CR Model 1887 (removed moans)
  7. All my mods
  8. Only Enhanced Zoey SFW Edition (request)
  9. Left 4 Bots (Improved A.I.)
  10. Vanilla+ Weapon Rebalance Script

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Merciless Survivor Bots (Complete Version)
  1. Merciless Survivor Bots (Complete Version)
  2. All my mods
  3. Vanilla+ Weapon Rebalance Script
  4. MiSide Collection Pack
  5. Enhanced Weapons and Items Pack
  6. Advanced Bot AI (Enhanced)
  7. Dark and Gritty Aesthetics
  8. CODMW2023 FJX HORUS-SD maoxi (Silenced SMG) v2 [Sound fix Ver]
  9. MW HK416D Mlok system Upgraded (Replace M16) v3 (Sound fix Ver,request)
  10. CSGO M4A1-S Erika (CSOL texture)
