Reviews for No More Ceda - The Director's Cut

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    • OWM2_M_B

      Posted this review



      A standard fast-paced L4D1 style campaign with low difficulty and lots of issues. It does have something unique, but performs poorly. Everything is so-so, even a little disappointing. Not recommended.

      Edited: 5 days ago

    • ErrorUnknownGT

      Posted this review



      *REPOST FROM SOURCE Not bad! Not bad at all! However, it was a bit overwhelming in terms of explosions, tanks and witches and the navmesh near the end of the third chapter was pretty bad, the bots couldn't navigate around the fire properly. Other than that it was pretty damn good. I really liked the map design, allot of in and out of the building, quite enjoyed it. I also liked the fact that you included the Last Stand for the finale, pretty neat! Nice work!
    • kurochama

      Posted this review


      Short campaign with some challenges

      I haven't tested the old version that is still available here, probably soon later. I took this one around 30 minutes to finish this. Bot navigation is good. Guides, directions & highlights are clear. This campaign has one of things that I'd rather avoid: multiple buttons with no clue & with a trap on one of them on map 1. Well, at least the trap is not an instant-death one (like some traps in certain custom old campaigns), but still it's a instant-incapacitation one in expert mode, as the trap is a tank spawn. The special infected zombies spawn more frequently at some areas.
      Map 1 is where the multiple buttons with a trap are. The path is linear, but sometimes it's confusing as there's a locked door that can be unlocked but actually it leads to previous location. The multiple buttons have a tank trap, & the place is so narrow that survivors are more likely to get a punch from the tank. Pushing all buttons fast is a good idea, because the door will open soon & players can run fast & then fight the tank there. Somehow at certain locations, I heard lots of witches crying, like tons of them but I only met 2 or 3 of them. I still wonder where they could possibly be.
      Map 2 is kind of confusing in the beginning. After opening the alarm door, in few minutes it seems like there's no way to go, but actually it's kind of tricky. There's actually a door opening slowly. Certain locations have some challenges, like, a locked door with a tank icon to push to unlock will have a tank waiting inside, & it's unavoidable as it's part of the path.
      The finale is short but challenging. After going down to the radio on a car, survivors need to defend for a while until the fence opens. It's a normal defense finale, but somehow with a witch. A witch was highlighted during my play, but I didn't disturb her as I was already too busy to defend & wait for 1st & 2nd waves of the tank. The rescue location was confusing for awhile, as I though it's up the building but there's no way to go up there. But I was wrong, & fortunately I found the place in time.
      In short, it's a short but playable campaign.
    • lfdeadguy

      Posted this review


      Not review, just a question

      I just replayed this after a long time.  After managing to kill all the witches (don't know if it's worth the time and effort but...) and got to the room with the control panel with numbered buttons to push.  I just randomly pushed this one and that one and, amazingly, the door opened, complete with tank.  Killed the tank, got into the room, picked up a bile jar...but what next?  More pushing of buttons?  How do I go forward from here?
    • Max283

      Posted this review


      A different feeling of this map

    • 1150409

      Posted this review



      Theres a bug in chapter 2, for some reason, my friends and i died. When we respawned(Restart) that level, we spawned at the sameroom. So basically we completed chapter 2 in 5 seconds. Also i'm not sure if the saferoom is suppose to have items but there was none
    • AmazingNep02

      Posted this review


      Challenging/Fun Experience

      Only Con I have is finale saferoom and the gate up to the lighthouse as well as at the lighthouse, there was 0 health kit spawns, which I think is the only thing that needs improvement. The room full of witches to get supplies was amazing, the different ways to complete areas was cool too. I dont know the old version but i would definitely recommend a play of this

End of results.