Reviews for 广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.14
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流程很长,细节极佳,难度适中,设计高于平均水准 作为国产图,本图(喜闻乐见地)特意对一些内容做了天朝化工作:中文涂鸦,汉化纹理,甚至有中文配音(虽然有点棒读的感觉,不过综合来看还算加分项),诸如此类。此外,地图的细节程度非常高,(听说)还原度也十分到位,数次更新的内容还体现了作者对玩家意见的高度重视,可谓诚意满满了 不过确实有几个让人不太满意的地方(至少对我来说): - M6优化一般,虽然这通常是不可避免的 - 玩起来有点沉闷,相比那些经典老图少了很多趣味性(再次强调是主观感受) - 地图布局/关卡设计质量没有达到理想的高度 总体上还是十分推荐的,应该算得上国产图天花板之一,不知未来是否仍会有能媲美那些经典老图的热度 更新: 2024/3:某服还有40%左右是玩这图的……离谱热度 2024/5:现在某服只有20%的人在玩这图了>_< 2024/7:某服玩这图的人数已经稳定在10%左右了,可喜可贺
Edited: 3 months ago
This review was posted before the latest release.
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Alright, wow I am super impressed. I have played previous versions of NanningCity which were NOTHING like this, i remember them being pretty underwhelming. The mapping on this campaign is absolutely breathtaking, the pacing is also fantastic and the campaign will keep you playing probably for 40 minutes to an hour I think. This campaign is seriously underrated and absolutely deserves a play! there's custom models from other Source games to keep it looking fresh as well. Seriously, wow!
This review was posted before the latest release.
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Nothing Special
Very bad optimization, alot FPS drop. 1/10
This review was posted before the latest release.
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10 out of 10... Would Play Again!
What an incredible new campaign! It's admirable the amount of detail that has been put throughout. More importantly, I didn't experienced any crashes or found noticeable nav mesh errors. Map 6 "The Bridge" is beautiful, I loved the environment and especially the city skybox. I would say that, apart from the continuous storm (which I found a bit annoying) of maps 1 and 2, this campaign is definitely one of the BEST of 2024. Congrats! keep up the good work!
This review was posted before the latest release.
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one of the best map in l4d2
pretty welldone map ! it has nice cinematic scenery and interesting custom event
This review was posted before the latest release.
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One Of The Best
This is some of the best level design I've seen in L4D. It looks fantastic. There were times I felt like I was playing a different, newer game than L4D2 because of how good it looked. You nailed the vibe of being in a city that's being bombed. The skyline looked great. The audio was great. Took 1.5 hours on Advanced. My only "complaints" are that the finale was a bit easy as the position was pretty easy to defend, and the stats didn't register at the end of the game. These days we get a campaign this professionally made maybe once every 3 years. Well done.
This review was posted before the latest release.
End of results.
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广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.12
This review was posted before the latest release.