Reviews for Mission Improbable
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8,优秀,很有想法的地图,很多地方设计让人印象深刻,很多场景十分有辨识度,相当有意思,风景漂亮,科幻风与自然风结合地很好,传送的机关,吸人电梯也很有感觉。流程上,有惊艳的设计,也有有些令人不快的地方,第二关的3 tank接连出现,狭小房间的贴脸刷tank配尸潮极其恶心。并且后面等电梯时完全没有间隙的尸潮和特感,难度一下子飙升,僵尸出现位置也很离奇。科幻关,限时逃离的设定很有感觉,风景也很好看,但是实在是缺乏指引,我们疯狂绕圈迷路,甚至又跑回了原地方,后面开noclip才发现有向上的超长电梯...救援关同样,虽然设计的很大但因此让我们完全不知道直升机在哪。总而言之,很多小问题的叠加造就了差强人意的体验。要是能加以完善,我相信这张图有10分的潜质。
This review was posted before the latest release.
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Zombie Showers
The campaign should be called "Zombie Showers" because of many..... many falling zombies. I love how they drop. Amazing graphics, very interesting ideas, including actions that I've never seen in other campaigns. But it's too hard, especially the finale. Sometimes, playing it feels like work, not having fun. Overall, a great campaign, spectacular. Good job!
This review was posted before the latest release.
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Another Epic Campaign
This appears to be a collection of maps for Half-Life 2. Most of the maps had gorgeous graphics. The bot players did almost everything perfectly except during the finale. One of them became stuck on the walkway to the helicopter. That bot player finally teleported into the helicopter. This is a long, tedious campaign with bot players. It's easy to become trapped if you don't know what to expect. There are various devices that need to be activated so that you can open doors. There's no way the standard bot players could play these maps without a human player. The finale is difficult. There are a few tasks that you must complete. It's not possible to camp in one area. The zombie hordes never stop during the finale. The bot players won't stop and heal themselves in a situation like that. Some of the elevators were interesting. Sometimes the bot players wouldn't enter an elevator until I pressed a button to activate the elevator. This campaign is very playable with bot players if you know exactly what to expect. There are still a few places that have endless hordes of zombies. The bot players weren't much help at all when I had to run to the Safe Room at the end of Map 5.
This review was posted before the latest release.
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看第一个评测的人声明自身喜好了,我也声明下吧。我对地图风景的要求不高(光照足够好就行),关卡设计方面比较挑剔,只喜欢官图(不含c13与c14)水准的设计(设计风格足够贴近的话也行),坚决拒绝任何无意义的大而空的场景,最注重能不能玩得开心 流程设计:A-(Mission Improbable部分A,DownFall部分B) 风景细节:A(原作场景A~S,自制场景B~A) 难度等级:4/5(补给足,尸潮在更新后依然很猛,随机性正常,有些地方明显照顾绝境玩家……应该是这样的吧) 故障处理:B+(会与其他三方图冲突导致纹理显示异常,部分纹理仍然缺失,nav一般,不合理处多,英语塑料味浓) 地图总结:第一次玩是在凌晨四点带着一个加智人机写专双通的,更新后再玩就只敢四人写专混野了,这尸潮量对我一个菜鸡来说还是不太能接受。布局设计是有水平的,毕竟两个原HL2模组的质量都是极其之高的,Mission Improbable正常行进的部分玩起来比较舒适,DownFall部分的防守设计还行,其余部分不作评价。改图水平感觉一般,自制区域与原作就有的区域不难区分,小瑕疵也遍布各关……但最伤的一点还是对地图的修改在某些方面上过于拘谨保守——公认高质量的HL2移植图都习惯于删除解谜部分,并不完全以还原为目的,而是力图在原地图的基础上尽量修改出适合L4D2的地图设计,流程节奏能快就快,对原作忠实玩家的回馈也属于在流程中设置一些让人心领神会的事物(如White Forest中用双Tank指代双蚁狮卫兵),但这图则决定把原作的部分解谜加上提示而合成为L4D2的事件,没有那么爽快地直接删除,甚至一些完全自创的事件也有着抹不去的HL2风味,致使流程节奏实在是有点拖沓。玩过Mission Improbable和DownFall原作的玩家应该都知道这两个模组都包含开车环节,MI的开车环节不长,不难修改,但DownFall作为一个只需二十几分钟即可通关的模组,其驾车部分在总流程中有着不可小觑的占比。既已确认依自己的技术很难在L4D2中还原戈登的“豪车”,要如何才能把地图改好呢?我倒希望答案不像事实那样是“直接不改”,不过我自己也确实想不出什么好点子,毕竟HL2的设计标准与L4D2差异分明,大部分HL2关卡其实都不太适合移植到L4D2,除非移植者要么脑洞可装茫茫星海,要么技术强至只待招安。是的,这只是我的个人观点,并不需要过多在意。Mapper都是很辛苦的,作者付出的努力无论如何都值得称赞。
Edited: 5 months ago
This review was posted before the latest release.
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就我个人来看,我就喜欢风景优美且地形独特的图,不像官图风格那样,普遍容易腻 对于这是作者做的第一张图来说,我觉得在新人作者里已经算很厉害了 可能不足的就是一些细节方面,比如材质,nav等等,难度的话,我喜欢绝境模式,所以还比较喜欢这个难度,估计地图更偏向于绝境模式,而对于萌新就可能有点不友好了 昨晚我和我的朋友共计10人,玩专家10人20特50秒,可惜4个小时只过了第一关 总之,满分10分的话,我目前能给8分,国产神图广州增城在我心中是9分 再补充一下,目前感觉还有不足的就是地图指引太缺乏了,然后奇奇怪怪的地形会导致坦克卡住,并且m4的上梯和救援关的随机性都有待修改,总之,作为新人作者做的第一张图,确实可以了,毕竟广州增城刚出也这样,希望慢慢修复,越来越好吧 Personally, I like maps with beautiful scenery and unique terrain, unlike the official style, which is generally easy to get tired of For this is the first map the author has made, I think it's already very powerful among new authors Maybe it's not enough to be in some details.,Such as materials.,NAV, etc.,Difficulty,I like mutation4 mode.,So I also like this difficulty.,It's estimated that the map is more inclined to mutation4 mode.,And for the newbie it may be a little unfriendly. Last night, my friend and I had a total of 10 people, playing expert 10 people 20 special 50 seconds, but unfortunately only passed the first level in 4 hours In short, if I have a full score of 10 points, I can currently give 8 points, and the domestic Shentu Guangzhou Zengcheng is 9 points in my heart In addition, I still feel that there is a lack of map guidance, and the strange terrain will cause tanks to get stuck, and the randomness of rescue and m4 ladder needs to be modified. In short, as the first map made by the new author, it is indeed OK, after all, Guangzhou Zengcheng has just come out of the same way, I hope it will be repaired gradually and become better and better
Edited: 5 months ago
This review was posted before the latest release.
End of results.
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This review was posted before the latest release.