- Corrupted Oasis
This map is one of the ideas I came up for RA2, it was actually created for RA2 some years back before C&C 3 came out, but the name back then was Last Oasis. Then I just decided to remake it for C&C 3 and change the name so it some how...
- Dune
A map somewhat inspired by the good old Dune II. It's set in the desert (surprise..), and resources are fairly limited on this one. The Spice (err, Tiberium) rules the universe! :)
- Tournament Highway
An 1vs1 map! There are two tib spikes an emp controll and a subway hub to each base. Enjoy!
- Mountain Pass
Well i had to test out the games ability to handle mountains so i created this as a test map but I had way to much fun creating it and decided to make it one of my signature maps i have to say it came out damn nice. I put alot of tiem i...
- 4Play
This is a 4-player Red Zone map, with more than enough resources to go around, there are also garrisonable bunkers and a few tech buildings.
- Desolation
Location is a small City in the Australian Blue Zone which got evacuated due to recent Tiberium Growth in and around it.
- Flow of Corruption
4 Players teamplay in mind (North vs South). A river divides the map north to south with 3 crossing point at northern middle and southern points. Tiberium fields dot the river banks with a blue expansion field in the "Yellow Zone" secti...
- The Motherlode
A 4 player map designed for skirmish play, with asymmetrical starting positions. Suitable for 2v2 or FFA games. The setting is the desert of North Africa, at an abandoned Nod tiberium harvesting installation. All of the expansion tiberiu...
- Asphyxiation
Asphyxiation is a large 2 player map designed for immense one-on-one battles. Plentiful resources and capturable resource structures ensure a great fight with many, many units and tactics. The landscape is a red zone wasteland with narro...
- Sleepy Island
Danke das du meine erste C&C 3 Karte heruntergeladen hast. Ich hoffe sie wird dir gefallen. Sie ist noch nicht fertiggestellt, da noch Ambientgeräusche und Partikeleffekte fehlen. Diese Karte darf frei weiterkopiert werden. Es ist nicht...
- Spike Stand-off
A Medium sized map, with an abundance of Tiberium. The map is set in a Red Zone, and has a really fast rate of Tiberium Growth. Hold the choke point to win this map!
- Demon Rock
A highly detailed map set in a Yellow zone valley with two bases right infront of each other, each base has 4 Tiberium fields and Two entrances, the front entrance leads under a bridge to the enemy base, the back entrance allows access t...
- Redzone Haze
Somewhere deep in a Redzone, wars have been waged in this sector for decades. This map is themed like Redzone Rampage, but will offer more Tiberium and new features such as Tiberium Bridges!
- Hell's Passage
Many expansion fields and tech objectives. Map is a good balance between choke points and open land. Also features a Back door to each base for sneak attacks.
- Kill Crush and Destroy
This is Kill Crush and Destroy from Generals, ported over to C&C3 This is a 8 player map, with alot of resources and tech scatered around the map.
- The Last Ore Chasm
The Last Ore Chasm' is my first map for C&C 3 and coincidentally my first map using World Builder. The last RTS map I created was back in the original Red Alert days, so it's been awhile. The theme of the map is inspired by the last mis...
- Dead and Gone
Ok this map is basically what I've seen many cnc3 fans asking for: An assymetrical, detailed and overall good quality map. The primary feqature of this map is a large gully that inadvertaintly divides the map in 2. One can tell a battle...
End of results.