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  • OWM2_M_B

    Posted this review



    My 200th review on this site (but not the 200th addon campaign I ever played). Managed to complete this on Expert Realism with a single improved bot. To be honest, that's a pretty enjoyable experience. The detail level of the maps are good enough to enhance the atmosphere and immersion, not to mention that theis campiang is desert-themeed, which is still arguably unique to this day. Most areas have nice design as well, even though there aren't many instructions. However, "most" doesn't stand for "all" - surely, I have to complain that the third map is not as great as the other maps due to its disappointing balance and average layout. Speaking of shortcomings, I may also mention that several nav glithces are actually evenly distributed across the five maps. Anyway, totally it's a ngood classic campaign to play. I decide to give this a 8.8 out of 10, considering the design level is, in fact, still unable to hit the adjective "awesome".

    Edited: 5 months ago

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Version 1.2 Beta

maps : Trending

Pay day2 Campaign
  1. Pay day2 Campaign
  2. 广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.15.1
  3. 《HOME TOWN》Custom Weapon
  4. Demomania 3 [v2.5 Update]
  5. Dam It Complete
  6. Deathcraft II
  7. Cambalache 2 - Total Remake
  8. The Arrival
  9. Resident Evil 3
  10. The Betrayal

maps : New & Popular

广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.15.1
  1. 广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.15.1
  2. Demomania 3 [v2.5 Update]
  3. The Arrival
  4. The Betrayal
  5. Cambalache 2 - Total Remake
  6. Dead Fall 2: the complete editon(死亡陨落2正式版)
  7. hehe30
  8. Resident Evil 3
  9. Silent Hill: Otherside of Life - Fixed
  10. Deadly New Year Campaign
