Left 4 Dead 2
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Reviews for Resident Evil 2 - Side A

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    • SMFX

      Posted this review



    • Zircana

      Posted this review



      A great RE2 experience
    • CaptainCrap0000

      Posted this review



      The only problem I encountered is that bots have hard time ascending and descending ladders right next to plant 43. For some occasions, they just fall to their deaths but I'd blame Valve for their poor AI script

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • Blood_Wraith

      Posted this review


      Good RE2 Campaign

      Good, but your RE3 campaign is definitely better.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • simoOutq

      Posted this review




      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • IrFikar

      Posted this review


      Inpired From RE 2 REMAKE

      Nice like played in RE 2 REMAKE..

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • wtf? this is NOT inspired from the REMAKE dude wtf ? oh nvm you should be a kid and never heard of old school resident evil's its ok

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • kurochama

      Posted this review


      It's as good as the Side B, but shorter and harder I think

      Because I played in reversed order due to I downloaded the Side B first, so I think Side A is shorter but harder. Map 1 is kind of short, I think. The puzzles on the campaign are ok, because some are the same as Side B. What makes it harder is a Tank that's throwing rocks on the transporting platform on map 3. Even in Normal difficulty, one hit by the rock can instantly incapacitate a survivor while the highlighted objects needed to destroy to stop the Tank from throwing the rocks are harder to shoot alone as bots don't help shoot at all. My team died once there, until I switched my weapon to grenade launcher. Maybe it would be better if the rock damage is based on the difficulty. Map 4 is fine because most of the puzzles are similar to Side B, with the additions of the evacuation time & defense during waiting for the rescue. There's one slight confusion on the rescue train. There's no clue whether to wait for the train to stop or jump on it instead. I took a speculation to jump after I saw a survivor on the train & luckily the campaign finished well :) .
      In overalls, it's a good campaign to play.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • ryan2992

      Posted this review


      hands down 5/5

      greatest map ive seen so far balanced just right really tailored to the old school res 2 love the puzzles

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • agh07

      Posted this review


      Just the way i remembered it AND FASTER

      All maps are very well made and faithful to the game specially map 2 wich is the best imo
      many m a n y M A N Y spitters are jockeys on the last map dude .-.
      the escape part cost me over 5 tries specially when the self-destruct sequence started.
      everything was okay until that part goddamit XD
      cant say i did'nt got mad about it though :/

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • Spitters and Jockeys? Why? D: thats odd, I never touched the spawning of infected

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • Hunter Punter
      Hunter Punter

      Posted this review


      Captures the RE experience

      Having Resident Evil 2 in a Left 4 Dead 2 format surprisingly works well here. It's been a blast playing a classic in a new game and the addition of the original game's music adds to the experience. The length of time used to reach the safe rooms is very long, but I can't completely fault the developer since the maps are staying true to the roots of Resident Evil 2. My few complaints are as follows:
      *Keys and other important items needed to progress should have the game instructor point it out. I wound up going in circles a few times not knowing where the Diamond Key was until I double checked a room I had explored previously.
      *The part where you have to shoot the platform support beams to kill the tank before he wrecks the cable car shouldn't have been in the game. I don't think it really adds anything exciting to the map and bots won't help you shoot the beams. Perhaps the segment could be replaced with the survivors chatting along the ride.
      *The fight against the tank on the lift going to the labs can be exploited if you get the tank to try and follow you into the train car since he can get stuck on the railings nearby. The whole lift should be far bigger since it feels too cramped.
      *The screams at the intro needs to be toned down or replaced with something far less loud. I blasted my eardrums when it happened!
      *"Brad" has way too much health. Needs to be lowered a bit.
      Overall, a good recreation of a classic and a must play.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • I'm updating the campaign right now so I will keep this in mind. Btw, the tank at the cable car is my own representation of Birkin's arm trying to kill you

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • LilG

      Posted this review


      Great work

      Like with the other maps,this is great recreation of RE2,the easter eggs were a nice touch.
      Only problems I had was the plant tendrils knocking me & the bots off the ladder in the lab & when you go down the lift to the lab the Tank sometimes spawns on top of the train or clips through it.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • ropy

      Posted this review



      Well, seriously, first the Nemesis and RE1 and then this awesome RE2 replica!! You have a great sense of replicating maps! 
      For example putting the items in the same place as the actual game (like at the beginning inside the gun-shop, the ammo is placed where the Handgun ammo is) or the Hunter that crawls outside the window just like the game (well I was already Expecting that! Thank you!). And yeah, the guy inside the police station, etc....Lots of great stuff there!
      Keep up the good work man! Thank you!!
      BTW the health bar and the intro movie was COOL!

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • thank you ropy :D those details were made it for fans like you xD

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

End of results.