- SOS Sacrifice (State Of São paulo)
This is the map 'SOS Sacrifice (State Of São paulo)' for Left 4 Dead.
- Horror - Chapter 2
A new game style Based on the game slender the eight pages this map was made to play with multiplayer, playing alone can be extremely difficult and frustrating ATENTION the addon "No Mercy apocalypze" has buggy scripts that will c...
- Horror - Chapter 1
A new game style Based on the game slender the eight pages this map was made to play with multiplayer, playing alone can be extremely difficult and frustrating ATENTION the addon "No Mercy apocalypze" has buggy scripts that will c...
- Not a Last Stand
A bit glossy and interactive map for versus mode. P.S. All vmf.(hammer editor) files may be sent if you want to add maps into campaign.
- [L4D] Tank Challenge v1.2
Survive waves of tanks with increasing difficulty until rescue after wave 10
- [L4D] Man vs Tank v1.2
Survive increasing waves of tanks, up to 7 tanks, unlock the safe zone and show how good you are with your friends.
- 静寂时分-前传/DeadAir-Prequel V1.1 (重置版)
(重置版/Reset Version) //////////////////////////////////////// - 此地图根据L4D漫画而改编,讲述了生还者们坐船离开小镇后的故事,到下一关地图的DeadAir,你可能会疑惑:船呢?船长呢?为什么我会出生在花房???官方漫画设定生还者们被船长赶下船...
- L4D1 CG Scene L4D1 CG 场景还原
The scene of L4D1 CG animation is made. Go down from the beginning, please go to the right You can play survival mode with your teammates 你可以跟你的队友玩生还者模式 还原了L4D1 CG动画场景. 从一开始的地方下去,请往右走. 地图名 hospital0...
- 寂静时分:2-码头 Dead Air:2-Wharf L4D1
L4D1 已将死亡丧钟4人上船之后的后续做了出来,解释了为何下一个战役是在花房中。 The follow-up after the DeadToll 4 people boarded the ship has been made, which explains why the next battle is carried out in the flower house. 进入安全屋后你...
- 死亡丧钟 后续-寂静时分 (码头) L4D1
死亡丧钟后续. nav还没完成,还原了寂静时分花房下面的码头,原本剧情是船长丢下4人组了
- Badwater Basin
Game basics: To Unlock the lever Everyone must be close to it The train will always stop at a random place The Infected will prevent the train from moving credits: TF2 and jsparakov
End of results.