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Highway To Hell

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  • OWM2_M_B

    Posted this review



    The details are fairly pleansant, but the design isn't. Most areas are too open and monotonous (not visually, of course), which won't bring you fun if dealing with the infected isn't a problem for you. Yeah, I mean this campaign is way too easy and bland. The events are really... well I'm running out of words. Anyway, all the events are alarm events that require you to rush for some time, and some of them are even skippable (for what??). The length of each map is also a little short. I prefer longer campaigns. In a word, it's just that kind of walking simulator, just admire the scenery. By the way, it seems that the campaign isn't very rigorous.

    Edited: April 2024

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Version 4.5 Complete

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  2. Highway To Hell

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