- Resident Evil 3
A Left 4 Dead 2 campaign based on Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Things you have to know: -I changed the name (Raccoon City Nemesis) to avoid problems of people who dont know this campaign is based on Resident Evil 3. 0. This is no...
- PAYDAY2: Undead War
修复了之前版本m4的bug 缝合地图,复刻了payday2的三个劫案 感谢作图群各位提供的各种帮助 Now,give them hell ps:m4的按钮是可以按的,如果按不了试试换几个位置按,我目前没什么时间修复这个问题
- 广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.15.1
-简介 由 Nick 带领的四人小队登上了直升机,故事开始于比尔四人组在离直升机不远的地方,他们得知最后的疏散地点设在市中心广场。 -须知 此地图一共有三个部分,如果在游玩过程出现紫黑格或ERROR模型请确保你已经订阅下载好另外二个部分(PART)。 ...
- Cambalache 2 - Total Remake
(English description at bottom) *ROKU: Level design - Custom props and textures *SKESSLER: Tester - Custom zombies *BATATA BIÓNICA: Músico - Productor de la version "tango" del tema de L4D2 *Muchas gracias a todos mis tester!...
- The Arrival
DISCLOSURE ====================================== "Copyright ilcannibal 2024, This item is not authorized for redistribution Except under the accounts "ilcannibal" or "Trunten" or "Time Lord Magnum" or "1sg Heartless" The Arrival i...
- Fairfield Terror: TRS No Mercy Remake (L4D2)
THIS IS THE OFFICIAL DOWNLOAD PAGE FOR FAIRFIELD TERROR L4D2, DEVELOPED AND PUBLISHED BY DAYS OF TERROR. Fairfield Terror is a fan-made remake of Turtle Rock Studio's original No Mercy, the game studio that owned the rights for Left 4...
- Death Corridors
"Fleeing, the survivors found themselves in a huge complex, the main part of which consists of corridors. Will they be able to get out alive, or will they get lost in the endless corridors." This is an attempt to create a simple map f...
- Left 4 Dead RemixBeta
Originally this was the campaign "Dazed and Confused" This is one chapter from each official Left 4 Dead campaign "Jaku CFG" has only modified it to include two new chapters Very curious how well this unauthorized modification was don...
- Cold Front
After fighting their way North through ravenous hordes, Nick, Coach, Ellis, and Rochelle abandon their boat at a nearby dock due to a collapsed bridge. With nowhere else to go, the survivors head inland in hopes of finding rescue. Unbe...
- DeadCity II Lite
DISCLOSURE ====================================== "Copyright ilcannibal 2024, This item is not authorized for redistribution Except under the accounts "ilcannibal" or "Trunten" or "Time Lord Magnum" or "1sg Heartless" Three Map C...
- The Day After
DISCLOSURE ====================================== "Copyright ilcannibal 2024, This item is not authorized for redistribution Except under the accounts "ilcannibal" or "Trunten" or "Time Lord Magnum" or "1sg Heartless" Six Map Cam...
- Left Behind
DISCLOSURE ====================================== "Copyright ilcannibal 2024, This item is not authorized for redistribution Except under the accounts "ilcannibal" or "Trunten" or "Time Lord Magnum" or "1sg Heartless" Four Map Ca...
- At the gloaming Ⅲ
黄昏时刻系列的第三部。在北方大桥对面的城区也爆发了感染,幸存者们被军方直升机抛弃,不得不另寻出路... The third installment of the <at the gloaming> series.There was also an outbreak of infection in the city across the Northern Bridge, an...
- Silent Hill 1
This version of Silent Hill 1 by Leafo will be continuation of what PopTheseFools has started. From now on, I'm taking over the campaign and will provide you with active updates, so if you're still subscribed to his or any other versions...
- Tour of Terror (Fixed)
Four American tourists in Eastern Europe are holding up in a large hostel after the zombie apocalypse has plagued the Earth. Their food and water supplies are running thin, and the hostel, which was once housing multiple survivors, has c...
- Dead City 2
Kill plenty of zombies starting in RiverSide (city) Battle through the Back Alleys, over a Draw Bridge, at a Military Outpost Find yourself at a Water Plant and escape at the Subway Station Copyright 2010 [illcannibal and Trunten an...
- Parish OverGrowth
This is a recreation of Parish called Parish OverGrowth . I made this map for Zonemod / competitive versus.( NOT CAMPAIGN) You can play this map on campaign but there will be no ending and no end credits with stats. The reason for this...
- The Evil Within 2
Inspired by The Evil Within 2 Info: -5 Maps -L4D2 Survivors -Enable Hints -Custom Music/Sound -Boss Fights Console Code: Map1:tew2_1stem Map2:tew2_2union Map3:tew2_3gallery Map4:tew2_4anima Map5:tew2_5finale Credits:...
- Left Or Right 2013 version
Este es el mapa Left or Right la version del 2013 el mapa no es mio solo vi que aqui no estaba y queria aportarlo de hecho estuvo hace unos años y lo borraron desconozco el porque si y si hay algun problema con el autor que lo hizo o dis...
- Thick with fog Remake
浓雾弥漫的城市已经被感染者占领,幸存者们将使出浑身解数逃离这里... The foggy city has been taken over by the infected, and survivors will do whatever it takes to escape. 建图代码/Create code re_m1_city re_m2_suburb re_m3a_hangar r...
- Urbania Hell
Hell came to urban streets All full credit goes to "Gildun" as the developer We are simply helping out by getting them more players More feedback and criticism by mirroring this here There is also an "outsource" link to Workshop Eve...
- Parking facility
Survivors are stuck in a warehouse in some facility. Thay need to move to a nearby old military base where help is waiting in shadows. Players will start their campaign from a warehouse going through a huge parking lot, a pool club, few...
- Dead Before Dawn (Uncut)Beta
"BrInG mE a BeEr, h'I nEeD a BeEeEeR!!!" (c) Hank Kowalski This is a very first version of this campaign ever released before even Left 4 Dead 2 came out. It has cut from further versions tasks, randomizations, voicelines, overall ma...
- 2h warehouseBeta
你和你的团队任务只有进入仓库并存活十分钟 地图可能存在模型丢失问题,目前无法修复 You and your team's task is to enter the warehouse and survive for ten minutes There may be a model loss issue with the map, which cannot be fixed at pres...