Reviews for Merciless Survivor Bots (Complete Version)

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    • 016R35

      Posted this review


      The best mod for the bots

      People keep recommending crappy mods for bots like Improved Bots. Honestly, I feel sorry for them that they are still unaware that this mod exists. This mod is the best thing for bots, literally, you can play through the game on Expert Realism without batting an eyelid, the bots will do it all for you. This is what you need to get through the game without having to rely on a group of people to play with.
      Do you plan to develop it for L4D1? That would be great, as there is no mod there to improve the bots, I imagine for technical reasons you won't be able to (even with the 4GB memory usage patch for the game?).
      You've done a very good job, I hope this becomes more popular in time, so they would stop using those alternative junk that make the bots only 1% less useless.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • WuChan

      Posted this review


      great mod

      I truly appreaciate your mod. it helps my single player game better than ever because of default bots have slow respond. I don't use all features in the mob because I don't want to ruin my experience and enjoyment about the game, so I only turn on some features to let the bot survive and support me through out custom campaign.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • sysuah

      Posted this review


      A surprisingly close experience to TRS's vision of L4D before Valve beat them over the head and say No.

      From what I experience after trying all 3 bot mods 
      I'd recommend Angry / Complete version for vanilla players looking for something new and fresh seems to work best for those that doesn't have extra sourcemod plugins.
      And the Simple version works best for players who have been running with a few dozen plugins.
      because I tried this mod at first and didn't like it as much compare to now.
      I'll say that the buy menu for both survivor and specials are very interesting, certainly feels like it spiced up the gameplay somewhat and I'd like it if the specials (especially the tank) had cooldown timer between buys/messages spread out a little further and take a little more time instead of spamming it constantly (ESPECIALLY the tank constantly spawning witch)
      There's a lot of questionable mechanics that messes up with the core gameplay because in the Complete version it seems the survivor bots cant friendly fire the player or other survivor bots but the player can friendly fire on survivor bots and do a lot of damage for some reason despite me having survivor_friendly_fire_factor_expert 0.01 in both my left4bot convars and merciless bot's own cvar cfg.
      Overall a pretty fun mod, was expecting this to be another 6 millionth ""bot :OO improvement mod!! works (bot can lead again!!)" mod but got blown away with how much this expanded on the gameplay mechanics and added in abandoned/cut mechanics and some new ones.
      I would like to see an option to see your current EXP in the chat box instead of the console and a buy cooldown for both the survivor and the specials because the tank could just spawn in and out buy everyone.
      unrelated screenshot 
      i think its funny because i called francis to crown the witch then he fumbles it and crashes the game
      *and i notice my game been crashing a lot more lately with your mods when error such as "CUtIRBTree" and "Too many indices" are the two main engine errors, with your mod off my game seems to run just as it did normally (im using the simple version, if you're wondering)

      Edited: March 2023

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • Yuri_The_Yandere

      Posted this review


      Amazing mod, but...

      No idea if this version is any different from the Steam version, but is there a way to disable certain things the bots say? Such as "stay close", I could disable the spitter acid one but that's about it.
      Another thing is, this mod conflicts with Admin System, as toggling godmode or noclip literally crashes the entire game and puts me back on Steam.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

    • chiaranyan

      Posted this review


      Love the chat features & smart bots

      Good mod. Bots respond fast, many chat commands to choose, & freedom to turn on/off features. Buy system is new thing for me, but I rarely use Autobuy for bots so I disable during play. No conflict with other bot mods I use. Thanks for the unique bot mod.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • Thanks. I'm glad that you liked it. I made it so that most features including the new ones can be disabled via chat commands. You can check the changelog for the updates & look into the "chat list" chat command for the new chat commands. If there are any problems, feel free to ask here.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • ShiningTempest29

      Posted this review


      new update is messed up

      there are times i didn't enabled exp system but when i fight with tanks, they never run out of happened with the new update?

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • I just updated this mod to v6.6. Now the "Health Drain" feature can be set independently from a text file, so it becomes easier to find than reading the whole chat list one by one. You can check the changelog for the details.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • I think what chiaranyan meant is the health drain, as that's the main problem of your review. & it's possible to disable that, as I provided the toggle chat commands in the chat list. It's the "special infected health drain off" like I said on the previous comment. While exp system doesn't affect at all whether it's enabled or not, just as I explained before, as the "health drain" will still work unless it's disabled with "special infected health drain off" chat command.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • uh... i'm pretty sure there's no "exp system off"

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Just disable it with chat feature, easy.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Btw, in case if you don't understand what I explained about "health drain" on comments above, type this in the chat box during play:  "special infected health drain off". That will disable "health drain".

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • And bots can't buy anything if you disable the "Survivor Bot Autobuy" even if they have enough exp points to buy items/ weapons. That's why I said exp system didn't affect the game.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Actually exp system doesn't affect the game at all. What affects the game for the current version is the "Survivor Bot Autobuy System" because that one is enabled by default. But that one can also be disabled via chat command. Check the Chat List no. (063) & (064). Probably you can also check other chat commands there in case if there are new chat commands you don't know yet. New chat commands are usually near the bottom of the chat list.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • oh i see the only option for now is the "health drain"? okay i'll take it for now but please make an update that turns the exp system off

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • There are at least 3 options I provided there to fight a tank with "health drain" passive ability:
        1. Disable the health drain via chat command.
        2. If you don't disable "health drain", buy the skill "Special Killer" that gives a low chance to deal 10% of enemy's total health when triggered (if tank's remaining health is 4000, you deal 400 damage when this skill is triggered).
        3. Like no. 2, if "health drain" is not disabled, burn the tank & fight from distance, & never let him damage you or other survivors.
        Actually the tank in the version when "Special Infected Autobuy Lv1" is enabled will be scarier (only if you enable autobuy for special infected), as he will also has several counterattack skills bought from "Special Infected Buy Menu". But I disabled that one by default, so that only when players want to challenge the more difficult special infected & tank, they can try to enable it via chat command.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Try to check the chat list no. (070) & (071) for that.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Did you read some comments below or the changelog? I think I discussed with someone there about that & later I updated a chat command to disable it. That power is called "health drain", that each time tank damages a survivor he heals certain amount of health. Disabling exp system won't make it stop as the chat command is different. Check the changelog about "health drain" if you want to disable it.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • LilG

      Posted this review


      Fun the mess around with but some issues.

      This is fun to play around with & combined with other mods like the survivors stand on their own feet or all 8 survivors.
      my only gripes are their pathing can be erratic, sometimes they warp out of bounds so you can't rescue them. I think there's a command to get them to warp to you, but sometimes they get stuck & I have to try to recover them to finish a campaign, it happened a few times in custom maps where I reach the safehouse but they don't follow or respond.
      Unless I'm doing something wrong?

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • Well, if pathing means the way bots choose their paths to follow players & navigate the areas, yes, that's usually related to maps, not the bot mods. Maps in a campaign usually have their own bot navigation. I ever saw a mapper deleting navigation file by accident & that made the bots stop moving. & when the bots refuse to enter a place like elevator, or cable car on your reference, that's probably a bug related to the map. You can report that bug to the author or the person in charge of publishing the campaign so that it will be fixed soon on the next update. Normally, bot's behavior when entering elevator or cable car is like the 1st map of "Dead Center" when they immediately follow players to enter elevator. Well, for that purpose too, the "come back here" chat command was created back then, to solve bot's navigation problems when some custom maps have bugged bot navigation on some parts.
        & to check how good/ bad the navigation on a custom map, "you lead" can be used. Normally, when used in official campaigns that have good navigations, bots will keep moving forward to the safehouse while shooting zombies around them. But if navigation of a custom map is not good or has some bugs, they will move in one place like they are confused of where to go. So if there's a case when bots only stand still when players are incapacitated not far from them, there's high possibility that bot's navigation on that map can't navigate where the players are incapacitated, so bots just stand still. That also happens in Kokiri Forest map2 above the tree on the other side in the beginning of the map, where there's a switch to push to bring down a treasure box. If a player slips & is hanging on the ledge there, bots will only see that player fall to death.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • I tested it with only the merciless bots mods & 8 survivors on the silent hill otherside of life map the latest version.
         I used the no warp mode & the bots seemed to be fine aside from their erratic pathing on some parts, but that's probably because it's a custom map & its happened before using other bot mods mainly in small areas or if there's maze like spots.
        With the latest version of Yama they sometimes got stuck in the cable car section or refuse to get on it but I think again that's due to the custom map & not your mods/scripts I was able to finish the campaign by warping them to me even though some died.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • As I checked my "Survivors Stand" & "Survivor Bots Stand", it looks like only the newest "Survivor Bots Stand" has the "Bot Emergency Warp". If you use the "Survivors Stand" mod, the only warp skill is "Bot Regroup Warp" that is triggered when a bot is too far from players. Probably that one caused the stuck warp on your plays. You can try to test by disabling that one first & see if the stuck warps still happen or not. If the stuck warps still happen, try to enable only "Merciless Bots" as the only bot mod. & if after enabling only "Merciless Bots" the stuck warps still happen, I'll try to check by playing several other custom campaigns & official one again.
        & about the custom campaigns on your plays, could you tell me which series/ versions are those? For RE series (1, 2 side A-B, & 3), bot navigation usually has a problem at long ladders & some traps (like trap door on RE1 that can only be broken by fireaxe in the previous room, boulders on RE2, nemesis tank behind the big bell on RE3). For Silent Hill series, which Silent Hill series did you play last time? As far as I know, there are 3 Silent Hill Series: the old Silent Hill with 12 maps, Silent Hill "Otherside of Life" (this one has the old version & enhanced one), & "Tribute to Silent Hill". I haven't tried the updated version of Otherside of Life "Enhanced" as last time I tested the old version without keys on map 3 & 5. & for Yama, there are also 2 versions: the very old one with exploitable glitches on the finale (like survivors can even gather the gascans near the generator first before starting the finale) & the recently updated Yama. I haven't tested the updated Yama yet.
        But again, the suspicion for the roots of the stuck warp & unresponsive bots are more to the bot mods & some custom campaigns with warp features. So, you could try to check the bot mods first, & then test some campaigns other than those you mentioned on the previous comment (RE, Silent Hill, & Yama). Let me know again if you still find either the stuck warp or unresponsive bot problem (or both) after testing other campaigns.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Thanks for replying, I think the issue is I'm using the survivors stand on their own feet combined with merciless bots & the 8 survivors mods. I tried it on custom maps like Resident Evil, Silent Hill & Yama. The bots either get stuck, warp & end up dying or just circle around the saferoom. But I will test it without the mods listed, as I think my issue is using too many mods together at one time.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Thanks for the review. For the investigation of bot navigation problem, you can test by using "you lead" chat command. Normally they'll run into the safehouse on their own with that command. If they don't do that, there's a high possibility that either other custom campaigns or mods cause the problem, as when I tested by using this mod alone on several custom campaigns & official ones, they didn't show that bugged behavior. Most of the time, certain custom campaigns cause the navigation problem, but you can immediately warp them by using "come back here", or just point somewhere close to you & type "check there". Anyway, could you tell me in which custom campaigns you found the bots unresponsive? I want to investigate that unresponsive behavior too if possible, to figure out whether the problem comes from my mod or the custom campaigns.
        As for the stuck warps, I think I disabled that one on this current version until further warp fix. So, if that still happens, probably it's because of other mods, like for example, my other mod "Survivors Stand on Their Own Feet" might still have the warp features enabled (I forget which one between "Survivors Stand on Their Own Feet" or "Survivor Bots Stand on Their Own Feet", but I think one of them has the "Bot Emergency Warp" installed). But you can always solve the stuck warp with "come back here" chat command (you could bind that chat command as that one is kind of useful to solve most of bot problems).

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • ALJOKR1999

      Posted this review


      Love it so much

      Can you add survivor death Animations in this add

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • Oh, God don't add it isn't even needed

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Thanks for the review. I'll keep that in mind, about the survivor death animations. Actually I haven't used any survivor death animation mods since the first time I played this game years ago. Probably I'll take a look at some survivor death animation mods to see how they work first.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • kinzan****

      Posted this review


      nice job

      major update! amazing  buy system, if can let the special infected(bots) also use it, will let them become more powerful, more difficult to deal with, may be more challenging :D

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • Thank you for the review. Recently I just updated the autobuy for survivor bots. For the autobuy for special infected bots, maybe I'll do that later on the next update.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • bnfjkbbfgkg

      Posted this review



      Ahora si puedo ganar asta en experto

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • Muchas gracias. Me alegro de que te guste este mod.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • Crysans

      Posted this review


      Cool Mod

      Nice Job!

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • Thank you for the review. I greatly appreciated it.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • Zy7ron

      Posted this review


      Like This Mod

      Good Work! :)

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • Thank you...

        This comment was posted before the latest release.


      Posted this review


      Loving this mod so much :)

      I love this mod so much :) but I'm a bit confused about the convars.txt thing because i also have left 4 bots installed is it the one located in the "ems" folder? In l4d2's main folder?

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • Yes, this mod should work on mutation too.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Oh btw does this work on mutations? Like tank run?

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Yep. Just type that in the chat box. There will be an additional explanation on the console after you type it.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Thanks for the  clarification  this mod really goes well with l4b :)  now, about the chat commands. If i don't want the bots to warp or teleport I'm just gonna type "no warp mode"? I'm sorry I'm kinda new on using this types of mods 

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Thank you. I'm glad that you like this mod. About the "convars.txt", yes, it's the one in that ems folder.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • l4d2survivor

      Posted this review


      Finally - Bots can Lead again

      Was using "competitive bots+" but this is even better.
      One Con tho (and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) but is it possible to map one of the commands to a button? Typing/Copy and Pasting commands is ok but I think being able to map commands to buttons would make this mod even more perfect than it already is.
      EDIT - Thanks for the info. This Mod is Perfect.

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • Thanks for the review. About the commands, is it one of the chat commands? If it's the chat commands, you can use the "bind" feature to bind a key. For example: bind k "say you lead".
        By binding that key, each time you press "k" on the keyboard, the chat command "you lead" will be activated so you don't have to write it again on chat column.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • Argos_Amarok

      Posted this review



      I'm testing the mod tomorrow but i think it will be awesome. I'm using custom scripts so, they will be unstoppable. I'll tell ya more when i can play and test it. By the way i love how you take a lot of time typing big comments in order to solve any doubt and problem. You're the best!

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • Thank you. It's good to see that this mod could help you much. Yeah, with this mod, you can depend more on bots to guard your back during horde attack & at the same time detect special infected hiding in bushes, water or places that normal players can't see clearly.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • The mod is awesome! The bots react very quickly with the special infected, and considering that I'm using custom scripts instead of the default peashooters, so they act like they were on super ultra expert or something like that. For real they are some kind of John Wick. You would  be surprised if you see it. It's the perfect combo. The bots are extremely aggressive and accurate. They react fast with things i can't see like a smoker camping like a tryhard, or a magical charger who comes from nowhere lol. 
        Good work! It's the best bot improvement i have ever seen. You rock Kurochama!

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Thanks. You can inform me if you find some problems when using this mod.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • Ainur_Iman

      Posted this review


      Bots stuck

      Bots just stuck on the wall everytime they fight with the witch

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • Type "no warp mode" to disable that bot warp ability

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Probably you didn't read the changelog. The ability that makes bot teleport when witch is chasing is "Bot Emergency Warp". I added some chat commands to disable that ability. If you disable that ability, bots don't warp & get stuck on the wall anymore. & check the previous comments below, as I explained the chat command feature about disabling bot warp there

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • Jeysie

      Posted this review


      This addon is a cool expansion

      I see that the bots is basically an aim bot. Anyway love it!

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • Probably some of the causes are the filename changes on some files used for mods, like "scriptedmode.nut" to "scriptedmode_addon.nut" & "mapspawn.nut" to "mapspawn_addon.nut". That's why I put both versions here to make this mod work on both old & new version. I don't really know what significant changes happened, as I just feel the same, except small things like bot weapon preferences & new materials for map making. & there are some new vscript functions. Some dialogues are a little different when responding to special infected's voices

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Many modders in l4d2 kinda quit, so I think update to old addons is imposible

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • I don't want to update my l4d bcz i see many comments that their addons doesn't  work anymore... so I stayed for the best

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Thanks. Yep, I got inspiration from the special infected & tank when throwing a rock. When I observed their movements while avoiding, it seemed that special infected bots used aimbot. So, that's why I tried to reproduce the super aim :D . Normal survivor bots usually have too many tasks to do, like following players, shooting zombies nearby, helping players etc. In this mod, I force bots to focus mostly on attack with the help of vscript commands.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • BTW I'm using l4d before last stand update

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

    • KarlxSkull

      Posted this review


      Very Useful Mod

      Thanks to this mod I finished my first single-player tank run :3 it just lags a little when the bots teleport at you but that's understandable. :) I tried left4bots and Improved bots only this one helped Thank you :)

      This review was posted before the latest release.

      • woah cool,

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • @JeySieGee:
        Yes, you can. The chat commands will be combined to the "survivor bots on their own feet", along with some features here. And if you want to use other mod with scriptedmode, this mod will still take effect & work together with that mod, as long as there's no "mapspawn.nut" or "mapspawn_addon.nut" in that other mod.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • so I can use this with survovr bots on their own feet?

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • woah cool

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

      • Thanks for the review. Glad to see that my mod helped your play. Actually if you want, you can combine this mod with other bot mods that use scripted mode, like that left4bots for example. This mod is meant to be an "expansion pack" or you can call it secondary bot mod, so you can still use your main bot mods while combining with this one.

        This comment was posted before the latest release.

End of results.