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Journey to Splash Mountain

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  • CinderMap

    Posted this review



    The first thing that caught my attention on this map was Katsini, who was shown at the beginning of the game.
    As soon as I looked at Katsin, I realized that this map is a little different from other maps I have played before.
    But as soon as I took control of the character, I was very surprised to see the environment in front of me.
    The scenery and environments are very beautiful and elaborately designed.
    It is clear that this map was made by people who are very skilled in their work and with great creativity create a magnificent campaign and publish it for users.
    But the most important thing that made this map one of the best maps for me was the environments that were inspired by Disney classic animations and also the music that played in the background of the game made me feel great.

Developers & Credits

  • Dives & SM Sith Lord
  • Dives


File Details


(461.8 MB)

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Version 1.0 Complete

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