Browsing 'wh40k' Mods

There are 4 results.
  • Mod
    WH40K Adepta saroritas Hospitalier

    Hospitalier from video game Warhammer 40000 Battle sector. Since this is a turn-based tactics game, the quality of the hands is not the best, but it is the best that there is. Includes an option with medical devices. Replacement...

  • Mod
    WH40K Adepta saroritas Sister of battle

    Sister of Battle from video game Warhammer 40000 Battlesector. Since this is a turn-based tactics game, the quality of the hands is not the best, but it is the best that there is. Replacement for Rochelle and Zoey (each has its own...

  • Mod
    Warhammer 40000 Space Marines Ultramarines

    Space marines from order Ultramarines. This is a port of characters from the game Warhammer 40000 Space marines. Custom helmets. There's a different vpk for each survivor. Veteran-sergeant Sidonus - Coach/Bill Captain Titus ...

  • Mod
    Warhammer 40000 Space Marines Blood Ravens

    Space marines from order Blood ravens. This is custom variants ranks marines. I think it's pretty canonical. There's a different vpk for each survivor. Veteran - Coach/Bill Captain - Nick/Francis Battle brother - Ellis/Louis ...


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