This is just a request. It's an alternative version of Makeshift Flamethrower on the linked content. Instead of using flamethrower model, this uses grenade launcher model. The grenade launcher model follows the L4D2 model (example: if yo...
- Flamethrower with GL Skin (Knife)
- Custom Weapon Base For Custom Maps
A new solution to use custom scripted weapons in custom campaigns. There were 2 methods to get custom weapons work in custom maps: Combining files of custom weapon base with custom campaign to 1 vpk, which could break some crescendo...
- Glowing Animated Universe WeaponBeta
This mod replaces all weapon models with another one which is an image of the RGB universe that keeps scrolling down the axis 270.0 degrees sine at 0.2 units per second
- Flamethrower Replaces Official Melee
After getting permission from the author of this cool custom weapon, I decided to upload it here. The original one is already here, & I'll link it on the linked contents. What makes this different is...this officially replaces the offici...
End of results.