PAYDAY2: Undead War

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  • DHenk

    Posted this review


    A Barely Average Campaign

    Let's get into it Map by Map. I had 2 legal sheets with notes written as I played.
    #1 Apartments 
    A) Rooms were repopulating with undead dropping from ceiling after I cleared the room. Zombie paratroops perhaps? <G>
    B) The wall behind the Sofa with the Big Red Arrow took a pounding before it finely opened. Fortunately there was an ammo pile nearby as I emptied my weapon. I even put a pipe bomb next to it. Total pain in the butt and needs to be adjusted to open sooner. 
    C) The apartment rooms with what appears to be a long desk has an invisible wall over some of these. I had two enemies in sights and had to go around to kill them. Needs to be fixed.
    D) The Drill event to open the gate is ridiculous. It takes forever. No bad guys so several minutes of standing around.
    E) Awesome place to put Tanks in confined rooms where you can't move an inch and just get pounded on. This includes the safe room at the end.
    #2 Motel
    A) Ammo at start is floating to one side. 
    B) Wasn't sure what needed doing as you had wide open areas to move around. Finally the gas cans lit up. OK now to find out where they go. It's generally always a van so I looked at all until I saw the filler cap lit.
    C) Need 12 cans so off I went collecting and piling them near the can. Got 9 and after 20 minutes of looking everywhere for a way to get underground to the 3 glowing gas cans I cave up and exited to the next map. Honestly I systematically went through every room, out the windows, and around the outside. Never saw anything that looked like a door. I even checked the sewer covers. So this really needs to be somehow marked (I saw nothing).
    #3 Street
    A) Your basic gauntlet run that you cannot deviate off the path. I waded through the vast number of enemies only to find myself at the end of the road with no where to go but a parking garage with the door down and a lot of enemies poking arms and heads through the roll up door. Never did find a way to (I assume) open the gate. The card reader does nothing (doesn't even look like it's supposed to).  I could find no way to get inside. So I just stood there and burned through all my ammo and a Molotov killing some enormous amount of enemies. I even backtracked to see if I missed a key card and found nothing. Car deal had the most useful items. Finally after 15 minutes I again quit a map and moved on to #4.
    #4 Manor
    A) Start is weird with melee weapons and after moving forward guns and first aid kits.
    B) The bushes seem to have missing textures as they have the purple and pink color scheme you seen when that happens. Maybe it was made like that.
    C) Ok, so once you get inside the manor you chase down all the highlighted framed art. I pulled all of these down and found buttons that seemed to do nothing. I saw what looked like an armored door in a wall and guess it was supposed to open. Anyway I wound up systematically searching every room. Upstairs I went CCW so as not to miss anything. Same for downstairs areas. Two buttons that gave no indication they were activated when pushed.
    So for the third and final time I gave up and quit. 
    So overall it's not a very good campaign. Way to many spaces look like they are all cut and pasted and this becomes rather redundant which is another word for BORING!! Also didn't care for the music but at least you can kill that so I don't have to listen to it.
    I couldn't recommend playing this campaign unless some of the issues noted get corrected. I've already deleted it from my collection file. I have a separate desktop folder I store maps in (several hundred) since the game came out in 2009. Makers of these add on maps have kept my interest in playing to see what mappers can create.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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Version 1.2 Complete

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