Browsing 'Death Toll' Mods

There are 2 results.
  • Mod
    Death Toll UPGRADE.
    Beta N/A

    Pt br: esse mod adciona skins exclusivas para DEATH TOLL,elas só funcionam nessa campanha não há problema em usar outras skins,pois essas skins exclusivas possuem arquivos proprios para funcionar nessa campanha. En:this mod adds exclu...

  • Mod
    CSM - The Sticks

    This is a Modpack for Left 4 Dead 2 Campaigns. Speficically: Death Toll & Blood Harvest You can check what types of weapons and which mods i've been used here: h t t p s : //steamcommunity*com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=278896292...


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