- Parking facility
Survivors are stuck in a warehouse in some facility. Thay need to move to a nearby old military base where help is waiting in shadows. Players will start their campaign from a warehouse going through a huge parking lot, a pool club, few...
- 广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.14
-简介 由 Nick 带领的四人小队登上了直升机,故事开始于比尔四人组在离直升机不远的地方,他们得知最后的疏散地点设在市中心广场。 -须知 此地图一共有三个部分,如果在游玩过程出现紫黑格或ERROR模型请确保你已经订阅下载好另外二个部分(PART)。 ...
- 江门职院V1.3 Jiangmen PolytechnicV1.3
Jiangmen Polytechnic V1.3_Part 1 A part2 subscription is required to function properly:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3160503914 Added Chinese prompt script, PS:non Chinese players need to unpack and d...
- Kimchi Zombie 2
Kimchi zombie is back with better convenience, graphics and new maps!!! This is Extended Version of Kimchi Zombie1. This is 5-maps Co-op Campaign. ( Improvement and minor remake of the original 3 maps + New 2 maps ) It was based on a ...
- Kimchi Zombie
This is my second piece. And this is 3 map Co-op Campaign based on Korea landscape. Each of the 3 maps is challenging and will not be easy to beat. Maybe you feel like that every map is like a finale map. I want you to struggle in t...
- Connection 连接
这不是一张新地图,我把之前做过的两张地图(合肥、致小玉)合在了一起。 Actually, this is not a new campaign, I combined "hefei" with "love letter to Yu" to make the process longer. hope you like it. 感谢求生制图群里大佬的传道解惑。特别...
- 再见了,南宁/Goodbye,Nanning V5.4 (重置/Reset)
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - 从心圩街来到电力学校附近的四人组决定寻找其它出路。 - 此地图一共四张,其中一张为生还者模式,因学业繁忙,本来想做到第5关的。 - 每张地图都有生还者,对抗模式。 - 此地图难度较高,请...
- Yama Finale Fixed
A 5-map campaign set in various locations throughout Japan. Survivors start in Tokyo's red light district, escaping to Kyoto's Kiyomizu temple, before moving further into the mountains the next morning. Four survivors find themselves str...
- 管道恐惧(bushi)
第一次做图,学了很长时间还是半吊子样。3个关卡流程都不长,长了就是又臭又长,现在顶多臭臭你们。这张图包含了我对自己做图目标风格的简介。 第一关是管道系列的图,也是地图名字的由来,本来想设计得又臭又长有压抑,玩家玩完恶心得上吐下泄,奈何技...
- Goodbye ZC city
这是本地图的试玩版: 这是我的第三张地图,游玩请注意:第四关记得要在房子里面寻找三张游戏王三幻神卡片然后开门,不然门是锁着的,救援记得打开机关开始你的救援,也祝你玩得越快,如果有什么Bug欢迎在下面留言,谢谢 Here's a demo of the local map: ...
- 不可企及 / Unattainable v1.4
◾ Update version 1.4, if you encounter bugs welcome feedback in the comment. ◾ The map is currently the first chapter, will slowly make updates to subsequent chapters. Map filename: 🟢unattainable_1 🟢unattainable_2 Game Ti...
- 广州增城(ZengCheng)Lv7.3
人最宝贵的东西是生命。生命对人来说只有一次。因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全回部精力都献给了人生最答宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。 ...
- 南宁市-西乡塘区-心圩街 NanningCity 1.6
这是一张还原我附近地方的地图。这是一年前做的,那时候因为技术不成熟放弃了。 今天,我将这张地图重新打磨了一遍,虽然只有第一关 祝你玩得开心,推荐难度:写实专家.打普通没5分钟就过了。控制台建图可以输入:Map Naning_City_Xinxu_Street_m1 支持模式...
- Glacier Challenge-如履薄冰
- confusion2
这是我的第二张地图,这里作一个小更新,对已经更新到了2.6 地图会跟图片里的不一样,我指的是关于天气的问题,环境不变,也更改了一些关于nav的问题和尸潮,资源等等 祝你玩的愉快,已经增加了stringtable,防止闪退,也请玩的玩家期待以后出的confusion3...
- Dragon's Yard
A "Survival" map made from a real school located in the Philippines called "Chiang Kai Shek College"
- 王者峡谷v1.0Beta
全新moba类玩法地图,玩家可查看以下规则(一定要看!!!): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new MOBA game map allows players to view the following rules (be sure ...
- Fade Orange 2
There may be some bugs, but I hope you have a good time. This time, the drawing is biased towards the maze,enjoy. This has 5 chapter,and I can't modify content in workshops,♥♥♥♥ bug ! 地图定位为坑向+半迷宫,游玩的时候请谨慎。 map fdorang...
- 此地图已废弃
- Yccity
This is JohNny.R first map. I hope you like it. At present, the second level of bug has not been fixed. The third and fourth level of corpse tide is fierce, so we need to pay attention to team cooperation
- The DISTINCTIVE Map Version 2.5.2Beta
【注意】搜索“The DISTINCTIVE Map”以查看所有版本。 [Note]Search for "The DISTINCTIVE Map" to see all version of The DISTINCTIVE Map. 这是旧版本。This is an old version. 新版本将会发布在另一个物品中。 The new version will be released in an...
- Road to Deep part 2
The same deepp style of the new Xtreme, currently do 2, after the level will be updated, more different scenes will show. Level process: M1: from the flooded city shuttle,each intersection is blocked by obstacles, had to travel to the u...
- Road to Deep part 1
The same deepp style of the new Xtreme, currently do 2, after the level will be updated, more different scenes will show. Level process: M1: from the flooded city shuttle,each intersection is blocked by obstacles, had to travel to the u...