- Vox Aeterna
A 5 maps coop/vs campaign set in the desert/ancient Egypt excavation site Feature: Custom melee weapon - The ancient relic A fast and sharp melee weapon that can quickly mow down a horde. Weapon has an alternate skin that spawn on oc...
- 广西 南宁/NanningCity V1.15.1
-简介 由 Nick 带领的四人小队登上了直升机,故事开始于比尔四人组在离直升机不远的地方,他们得知最后的疏散地点设在市中心广场。 -须知 此地图一共有三个部分,如果在游玩过程出现紫黑格或ERROR模型请确保你已经订阅下载好另外二个部分(PART)。 ...
- The BetrayalBeta
INTRODUCTION https://zombiefest.maurians.org/l4d2/betrayal/betrayal_intro.mp4 DISCLOSURE ====================================== "Copyright ilcannibal 2024, This item is not authorized for redistribution Except under the accounts "...
- Death Corridors
"Fleeing, the survivors found themselves in a huge complex, the main part of which consists of corridors. Will they be able to get out alive, or will they get lost in the endless corridors." This is an attempt to create a simple map f...
- Left 4 Dead RemixBeta
Originally this was the campaign "Dazed and Confused" This is one chapter from each official Left 4 Dead campaign "Jaku CFG" has only modified it to include two new chapters Very curious how well this unauthorized modification was don...
- At the gloaming Ⅲ
黄昏时刻系列的第三部。在北方大桥对面的城区也爆发了感染,幸存者们被军方直升机抛弃,不得不另寻出路... The third installment of the <at the gloaming> series.There was also an outbreak of infection in the city across the Northern Bridge, an...
- Mission Improbable
The main components are the HL2 module Mission Improbable and Down Fall --Notice: (1) If the M1 Sky Box is not visible (gray), please add+mat_force-vertexfog 0 in the startup option (2) The server that has installed the "Prevent T...
- Silent Hill 1
This version of Silent Hill 1 by Leafo will be continuation of what PopTheseFools has started. From now on, I'm taking over the campaign and will provide you with active updates, so if you're still subscribed to his or any other versions...
- ZengCheng v 5.12
Old version of ZengCheng. I'm not the author of this map. All copyrights to the Authors of the map: ????love profiles/76561198100387245
- 5/10收藏地圖1:音樂會 留作紀念篇
更改音樂人:END瑟雷夫惡魔 我是自己製作音樂會就是 為了放鬆心情我才會做的 別擔心,我製作音樂沒有著作權,所以上傳Youtube不會被鎖 安全。 雖然沒有TANK音樂會有點奇怪 不過我無所謂 只要聽Tank腳步聲就沒事了 以上是也。
- The Evil Within 2
Inspired by The Evil Within 2 Info: -5 Maps -L4D2 Survivors -Enable Hints -Custom Music/Sound -Boss Fights Console Code: Map1:tew2_1stem Map2:tew2_2union Map3:tew2_3gallery Map4:tew2_4anima Map5:tew2_5finale Credits:...
- Dead Before Dawn (Uncut)Beta
"BrInG mE a BeEr, h'I nEeD a BeEeEeR!!!" (c) Hank Kowalski This is a very first version of this campaign ever released before even Left 4 Dead 2 came out. It has cut from further versions tasks, randomizations, voicelines, overall ma...
- 2h warehouseBeta
你和你的团队任务只有进入仓库并存活十分钟 地图可能存在模型丢失问题,目前无法修复 You and your team's task is to enter the warehouse and survive for ten minutes There may be a model loss issue with the map, which cannot be fixed at pres...
- 原版:The Manor Escape Game (2024) 莊園 逃脫遊戲...
影片教學:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sEY-dta2Akc 這是我的模型 可玩的 適合單人遊戲: 動漫:約會大作戰 IV 第四季 圖片 我的木門:時崎狂三 不會破別擔心 有我的影片教學 讓你一口氣破玩全章 希望大家會喜歡。 這張地圖原版本 只是更新木門牆壁...
- Death Row (original port)
Originally made in 2009 and ported from L4D1 to L4D2 You and your group must make your way through the town and out to an abandoned prison for rescue This campaign was Saleck's first attempt at Source Level creation back in 2009 This ...
- F.E.A.R.: Armacham Headquarters
First Encounter Assault Recon Armchair Headquarters
- Deal With Destiny - Port for L4D2
This campaign is a port of a very old modification on half-life 2 - Deal With Destiny. 4 Medium sized maps! There is a small town, a secret lab, production, warehouses, even a train depot! Very unusual ending. The campaign was made at t...
- Baka 3 - Fairy War
The third map of the my very first map made in L4D2 If you are mad when you didnt know this is a sh!t trolling map I dont give a f**k This map literally took me almost NA hours (half of it used for afk wtf) to finish this so please...
- Cambalache - Buenos Aires
Steam Workshop ready! (English description at bottom) Noviembre, fines de la primavera. La gripe verde ha llegado a Buenos Aires. Los supervivientes deberán escapar de la ciudad de la furia utilizando cualquier medio posible... Esta c...
- The Exit 13
"You find yourself in a strange underpass, carefully inspect the surroundings to get out." A single-player map based on the popular game "The Exit 8". Unfortunately, it turned out to be quite difficult to repeat the randomization of r...
- Baka 2 - 「Purely Torture Hell」
The follow up of my very first map on l4d2 It's a really terrible trolling map dont play it This map literally took me almost 300 hours (half of it used for afk wtf) to finish this so please play to the end with your friend if you c...
- Baka
My first stupid map ever in l4d2 It's a bad and trolling map dont play it with Touhou stuffs and fumos credits at stage ex And replaced M16 any problems write in comments Map console: map baka_1 map baka_2 map baka_3 ma...
- After Dark
After Dark is a 3-chapter short Campaign In this campaign, the four survivors escape a zombie-infested city and attempt to seek refuge in a shopping mall. As night falls, the mall grows darker, they must find power generators to turn...