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Our survivors start out in a small town stranded from yet another helicopter crash. Eerie enough the first sound they hear upon crashing is a tank in the distance. After dealing eventually with that unpleasantness they venture forth through some office buildings ending up in a museum where they must piece together a puzzle to be able to push forward. After a harrowing tunnel escape they end up in some small town which they characteristically name (Tankville) at the end of the day in their journals. As luck would have it our adventurers stumble upon a chopper pilot needing some help that is more than happy to ferry our survivors away to their next adventure. This campaign is a combination of 6 maps from 4 different incomplete/broken campaigns (Devils Chapel - Headwound - 2012), (Day of the Dead Teaser - Lousafire - 2010), (New World Order 2 - anticon / buck65 - 2012), and (blackout - wizard - 2009). All credit except for repairs / porting goes to the original artists. All nav/campaign maps have been repaired and any alterations required to make the maps playable were made, but the maps are kept to as close to original as possible. If there is a problem with the campaign please feel free to let me know what it is and I will look into it. Please be specific as possible (map/area of map). :) Just using my talents to keep the game alive.
Map 1 - I believe I fixed the problem with the crash around the double doors as mentioned. Added a skymap so the map looks better. Also worked on the navmap a bit.
Thank you! Finished in 5hrs, 8min and 9 Restarts, Expert Single Player Mode
Checkout my complete walk-through for this campaign through the link below:
Copy the URL, Remove \ from (h\t\t\ps) & (c\o\m), then Press Enter
Ch1: I finished it after 4 restarts and it was really hard and long.
Ch2: I finished it after 5 restarts. It was all about the last panic event.
Ch3: I finished it with 0 restarts and it was all fun.
Ch4: I finished it with 0 restarts and something really funny happened in the end right before the safe room and inside it.
Ch5: I finished it with 0 restarts. It wasn't easy, but much more predictable.
Ch6: I finished it with 0 restarts and it was a little bit tough when rescue was ready.
I should say I realized that I played the entire campaign once before through 4 different campaigns, which are:
- Devil's Chapel
- Perfect Plan B Mashup
- New World Order
- Blackout Extended
It's kind of boring to have the same finale in two different extended maps as blackout is an extended map by another guy here and it has the same finale we have here.
Yes, I played these maps before and the hardest of them all is Devil's Chapel where I got all my restarts. Your work of mashing up maps is always appreciated. It's not only about mashing up, but fixing bugs. It's really good that I come across two campaigns in row and those two campaigns are fixed and edited by you. Hope I find more work that's finalized by you soon.
Replaces: The Monsters Within (L4D1 Campaign Endings)
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Posted this review
Thank you! Finished in 5hrs, 8min and 9 Restarts, Expert Single Player Mode
Edited: May 2024