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Escape the Devils Chapel Mashup

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  • EshmawyMan

    Posted this review


    Thank you! Finished in 5hrs, 8min and 9 Restarts, Expert Single Player Mode

    Checkout my complete walk-through for this campaign through the link below:
    Copy the URL, Remove \ from (h\t\t\ps) & (c\o\m), then Press Enter
    Ch1: I finished it after 4 restarts and it was really hard and long. 
    Ch2: I finished it after 5 restarts. It was all about the last panic event.
    Ch3: I finished it with 0 restarts and it was all fun.
    Ch4: I finished it with 0 restarts and something really funny happened in the end right before the safe room and inside it.
    Ch5: I finished it with 0 restarts. It wasn't easy, but much more predictable.
    Ch6: I finished it with 0 restarts and it was a little bit tough when rescue was ready.
    I should say I realized that I played the entire campaign once before through 4 different campaigns, which are:
    - Devil's Chapel
    - Perfect Plan B Mashup
    - New World Order
    - Blackout Extended
    It's kind of boring to have the same finale in two different extended maps as blackout is an extended map by another guy here and it has the same finale we have here.
    Yes, I played these maps before and the hardest of them all is Devil's Chapel where I got all my restarts. Your work of mashing up maps is always appreciated. It's not only about mashing up, but fixing bugs. It's really good that I come across two campaigns in row and those two campaigns are fixed and edited by you. Hope I find more work that's finalized by you soon.

    Edited: May 2024

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View Changelog

Version 8.4 Complete

TimelordMagnums357 : Trending

Condition StranDead Mashup (Tank Factory Edit)
  1. Condition StranDead Mashup (Tank Factory Edit)
  2. The Bitter End (Fixed)
  3. Cursed and Babbling Mashup
  4. Black City Ext. Mashup (Fixed)
  5. No More Industries Ext. Mashup (Fixed)
  6. Field of the Dead Ext. Mashup (Fixed)
  7. Dead Echo (Fixed)
  8. Black City (Fixed)
  9. Source of Infection (Fixed)
  10. Destination Devils Mountain Mashup

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