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Note - The sniper can be killed. They shoot at anything moving so you can wait til an event or take your chances then or 5 / 6 well placed shots with a sniper rifle will kill them to great effect :). This mashup campaign is created from four/five older campaigns: Abandon Hope - Dookiebot - 2009, Wheel of Misfortune - Jozin - 2010, Country Roads - President Obama - 2010, Field of the Dead - Preamp/skodhippie - 2010, MIC Finale - Unknown. Any problems feel free to contact me and let me know. It was in serious need of updating which is why it wasn't on the workshop yet. Someone asked for a versus mode so I added it. Play it and give me some feed back. This campaign is a little harder than most. Don't let Whitaker snipe you to rage quit :). Just put this up on the workshop also.
Copyright 2015 [TimeLordMagnums357 & Trunten]
This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam accounts named Trunten or TimeLordMagnums357
Fixed some issues with 3 of the maps. 1 being the propeller of death on the ultra glider. Adjusted some player clips on map 2. Made all music consistent across all maps and anything else someone brought. Checked for invisible models. Oh
Replaces: Katana Sounds
-Travish Finnegan Degroot (Voiced by Gary Schwartz), Team Fortress 2
Recommended Mods:
Any Two-Handed Sword Models (Katanas Not Included)
Frostmourne from World of Warcraft...
Player's Bat repleace Baseball Bat
Mita's Baseball Bat skin.
Left 4 Dead 2 Melee Weapons Baseball Bat replacement skin.
skin - 我心如火 [【MiSide】紫色棒球棍替换板球棍(Player's Bat repleace Cricket bat) v3]
Port and Compile - l4dkk
A 5 maps coop/vs campaign set in the desert/ancient Egypt excavation site
Feature: Custom melee weapon - The ancient relic
A fast and sharp melee weapon that can quickly mow down a horde. Weapon has an alternate skin that spawn on oc...
This mod was originally one of features on "Gnome Warriors" (so if you use that mod, there's no need to use this). I found it necessary to make this as a standalone mod when I remembered about how players often complained about the lack ...
"What if you can shove strong enough to destroy common infected's limbs...?"
"What if you can send special infected, tank & objects flying with just one strong shove? Would you literally become One Shove Man...?"
Yeah, this mod i...
TRS's last Left4Dead campaign that was never finished, now completed to a more finished state by DGB. Dam It stitches Dead Air and Blood Harvest together.
The C130 makes an emergency landing at a small rural airport and the survivors ne...
Also from Disney's Beauty and the Beast is Belle herself. Now, she, Beast, and two other survivors will need to fight to stay alive in this zombie apocalypse if they wish to escape alive.
Commissioned by @Harry
Original Model from ...
Posted this review
Not recommended if you are not one of the top players.
This review was posted before the latest release.