- L4D2A HD Sara Kirishima
Replaces Rochelle. All textures were recreated from scratch on high definition.
- L4D2A HD Yusuke Kudo
Replaces Nick. All textures were recreated from scratch on high definition.
- L4D2A HD Haruka Hirose
Replaces Coach. All textures were recreated from scratch on high definition.
- L4D2A HD Blake Jordan
Replaces Ellis. All textures were recreated from scratch on high definition.
- 4K (HD) Textures Pack
This mod changes textures from low quality to high quality. That is, this is a mod for HD 4K textures. You will definitely like my mod, it will transform your game. Adding your mods will make it better, in your opinion
- 62thman Common Infected Teletubbies Reskin
I made this in my free time Reskin of Left 4 Teletubbies 2: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=352606721&searchtext=left+4+teletubbies 62thman's Reskin: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id...
- [HD] Left4dead 2
Este mod es una compilación de diferentes mods que aumentan la calidad del juego y le añaden realismo, haciéndolo que sea como un juego de la actualidad, algunos de los mods modifican las texturas, partículas, sonidos y modelos. La canti...
- HD Default Deagle Triplette
This is the default Desert Eagle, with HD textures and 2 additional variations, Golden and Black Tactical, in the place of the two new skins of TLS Update. All of the textures were built upon the base Deagle, with the exception of the...
- HD Default AK-47 Triplette
This is the default AK-47, with HD textures and 2 additional variations, Golden and Polymer, in the place of the two new skins of TLS Update. All of the textures were built upon the "Rural" variation it came from the same Update.
- Real 3k HD Special Infected
Real 4K HD Jockey 拆了网上其他的4k特感mod发现全是伪4k,细节什么都没有动,还是糊的,我这里就在4k基础上增加了内容和细节 After dismantling the other 4K features on the Internet, I found that they were all pseudo 4K, and the details were not...
- HD Ammo Can Caliber 44
*ENG* I replace the ugly Ammo Can with my HD Ammo Can Caliber 44 (bigs bullets) with vertical and horizontal lines in the can. DON'T COPY/MODIFY/DISTRIBUTE MY WORK, DO SOMETHING ON YOUR OWN, THX. *ESP* Reemplazo la fea Lata de Munici...
- Jhin Pain Pills
*ENG* I love Jhin... so much that I wanted to make a mod in his honor, and because only "HE" can soothe my pain D': DON'T COPY/MODIFY/DISTRIBUTE MY WORK, DO SOMETHING ON YOUR OWN, THX. NOTE: I didn't make an HUD icon because icons req...
- AK-47 | First Class (With Normal Maps) on L4D2 ...
Hey Guys i'm back Again Today I Have Ported CS:GO The Baggage skins In L4D2 Animations is.. First Class DXT5 To DXT1 With Normal Maps Hope You Enjoy This Skins!
- Pantallas de carga HD/HD Loading Screens
Pantallas de carga con los mas asombrosos paisajes en Left 4 Dead 2 13 Portadas totalmente nuevas en HD, Miniaturas nuevas Loading screens with the most stunning scenery in Left 4 Dead 2 13 brand new HD Portadas, new Thumbnails
- HD Jukebox Audio
This mod replaces all five original Jukebox tracks, with cleaner and better sounding versions (Save Me Some Sugar and All I Want for Xmas weren't remastered because their quality is fine). I also decided to keep the record static at the ...
- hd curtains (animated)
refleshes the hotel curtains in dead center with 5 hd patterned fabric curtains that cycle through
- Ammo Pile HQ Remake
Just a decent HQ remake of the original L4D2 ammo pile.
- Simple LED Flashlight v2
-= About =- Simple HD LED Flashlight without eye hurting brightness. c: v2: Added better infected vision.
- The Valve logo (2012 version) (1080p HD)
This is the latest version of the Valve logo, an expanded version of the 'Open your mind' variant with a new model, expected to be featured in the upcoming Valve games. It is part of the Dota 2 game files leaked in September 2011. I und...
- HD | Golden Browning M2 3
Since i already made a golden Gatling, i figured i should make a golden Browning All credit goes to me, except for the model
- HD | Worn Browning M2 3
This is my newest try on a HD Browning skin. I added a worn out look and light effects. all credit goes to me, except for the model.
- HD | M60 'The Pig'
this is not an reskin, its a completely new model :3 this M60 was originally made by Defuse for the game Counterstrike: Global Offensive i decompiled it and ported it to L4D2. Credits: Defuse - original model, cs:go release Se7en, Ki...
- HD | First Aid
this is a HD recreation of the original First Aid kid. made for those people who like the original look, but dislike the low quality of it
- HD | Beta Nick
this is a HD version of Beta Nick. for those people who are obsessed with the beta skins... feel free to use this complete white suit as a base to create your own skins, but credit me if you do so