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The survivors must fight their way to a local high school. Once they are there they must wait for a helicopter to arrive which will take them to safety.
Starting from a cell in jail, jumping into dark sewers and running across a deep forst to reach an industrial site, here is the last big update on Carnage campaign for L4D2
You MUST remove any version of 'They Did What?' before installing 'Cape Murder.'
Your hapless band of misfits picked the mouth of this creek to land their sinking dingy. You hoped for safety. Welcome to disappointment village, populatio...
This is the Deathcraft ll Vanilla with missing texture in map 2 fixed and nether map crash resolved but you still need to have Deathcraft II Fix from steam workshop on your add-ons folder in order for it to work. You can now use your own...
Map name: worshiping mountain
Version: 4
Repair the rescue of a helicopter near the death of a helicopter
Repair the bug in the first safety room
Background story: the survivors drove through a barren hill. There were many graves. Th...
[Third party/campaign map/scenic map+maze+decryption+plot]
Chapter Number: 5
Recommendation difficulty: ordinary
The first map made in nearly 800 hours, I think it's a good one. Thank you for your support.~
[Drawing Directive]
Map three...
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