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The new version has been released. Please see the link of add-on.
This version primarily fixes problems with the previous version.
·Fixed an issue for each chapter that caused items to disappear as a result of restarting the chapter.
·Chinese Simplified tips have been added to some chapters.
·Fixed the poster issue.
For update details, please refer to:!AhPEwwrsHHg0iU38pchkruvzw56Y (copy it to the browser)
The finale chapter is different than the previous finale chapter.
So I already played an earlier version of this campaign, I'm not sure why the author doesn't just update the original file instead of reposting the campaign when they update it, but anyway. No improvements were made. And tbh I didn't even notice major changes, other than the finale actually having navmesh this time, so here's my original review:
Pretty low effort "troll" map (I use quotes as I don't really know if this is intended as a troll map) but either way a really bad campaign overall not worth playing. Chapter 1 is simple enough... at least on normal difficulty, good luck beating that on expert! You can bait your teammates to kill the mandatory tank and witch to beat the chapter. Chapter 2 is a face off with three tanks at first, then you fight your way through a long gauntlet, leaving your teammates behind.. probably. Then you spend probably upwards of ten minutes doing a holdout at the end of the chapter (no tanks only consistent commons) boooooring. Chapter 3 is a long, long gauntlet through a crap ton of alarmed cars (have fun hearing the survivors swearing over and over and over.) I somehow managed to beat this chapter alone after the first try, but very boring map, at least you have a fighting chance though. The finale is crazy, tons and tons of commons and probably more than a few tanks (I died after the first two) Terrible campaign overall.
Replace grenade launcher round (world model) with gift so it turns into a Gift Launcher. Now you can spreading gifts like santa.
model it replaces: models/w_models/weapons/w_he_grenade.mdl
- should work with those grenade launcher ...
The survivors have successfully escaped a burning city. Now they are just going to fly over the mountains to finally get some well deserved rest...
But I think there'll be a change of plans.
My first campaign (It...
I replace the Bile Flask with my Rainbow Essence to give them a more colorful death like a artist...
NOTE: I didn't make a HUD icon because icons require weapo...
The finale map in Death Trip v4 did not have a stringtable.dct file. This was causing crashes when anyone new joined an in-progress game = FIXED. Death Trip is a 4 map campaign thru town, the woods, then a map 3 escape and chopper crash,...
The survivors boarded the plane, ready to go to a safe place, but in the middle
of the people on the plane were infected, the plane landed in a desert, the
survivors must go through the thick oasis and terror village, underground maze ...
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