- COD8 马卡洛夫的撤离用小鸟直升机 / COD8 Makarov'...
中文简介: 这是使命召唤8现代战争3里最终关 ,杀死马卡洛夫关里的马卡洛夫撤离时乘坐的小鸟直升机。 与141特遣队任务关的小鸟直升机有以下几个区别。 1/直升机颜色为白色 (141特遣队的为黑色) 2/直升机下部有个悬吊装置 (141特遣队的为侧面索...
- MI8运输直升机 / MI8 Transport helicopter
中文简介 苏联米8运输机 仅替换求生2黑色狂欢节的直升机 不替换求生1毫不留情那架 各位有爱自取 English Introduction The Soviet Mi-8 transport of replaces the L4D 2 Black Carnival helicopter and does not replace L4D 1 No Mer...
- Suicide Blitz 2: Helicopter Fix
This mod replaces the non-working helicopter model in the final.
- Quieter Dead Center Helicopter
Makes the intro helicopter sound of Dead Center MUCH quieter.
- Chocolate Helicopter
CHOCOLATE HELICOPTER Coach : Who the hell...puts an evac station...up thirty flights of goddamn stairs...? Nick : Come on, Coach. Maybe the helicopter.. maybe it's made of chocolate. After hard fight through the zombies horde, Coac...
- Helicopter with translucent glass
This mod replaces the helicopter glass with translucent glass. i also removes some smoothing errors. The helicopter itself is still skin compatible. Again, i used Crowbar to decompile the helicopters and Blender to edit it. it comes ...
- Helicopter US Army 1st Cav Huey
Replaces the No Mercy and Dark Carnival Chopper with a US Army Huey. added downed version. added pilot reskin reedited color of heli DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE
End of results.